About Us

A small publishing company, GW Enterprises Publishing Company, publishes mostly trashy ebooks for your wicked pleasure. We try to bring the old pulp magazine/fiction vibe to our stories. We also like the taboo stuff. So, if you’re looking for a quick read to get your juices flowing, then our ebooks are the key to your motor. Always remember the biggest sex organ in the body is the brain, and our books are a great turn-on. The business has been going since 2016, and on this website, we feature authors Moe Lester, Sheela B., and Jack Morningwood. These authors met on a bestiality forum that’s now gone and decided they wanted to keep working together.

Moe Lester has one of the dirtiest minds we've ever met and he is such a prolific writer. This man has lived a rich and fulfilling life. He's seen and done it all. That's what makes his stories so great to read.
Sheela B. is one of the most imaginative and plot driven writers in this genre we have seen. Her stories are just magical. She's a married woman with several kids and a love for erotica that is evident in her stories.
Jack Morningwood is a young gay man who loves to get kinky. There are not many authors in this genre that write gay-themed bestiality stories and we'd love him to do more. But he's too busy getting laid by sexy guys to spend his time writing.

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