A Dog & Pony Show!

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A Dog & Pony Show!
A Dog & Pony Show!
Year: 2021
Sally has just arrived at her Aunt Freda’s house to stay and discovers her naughty aunt is busy getting it on with her young lover and her dog!
Moe Lester
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Freda is thirty years old and divorced.  She divorced her husband because he didn’t fuck her as often as she wanted it, and with the settlement, she bought herself a house on five acres for reasons of her own, nothing to do with agriculture.  Freda likes to fuck animals.  She likes to fuck men, too, and she hires a sturdy young country lad to take care of the farm and take care of her pussy when she’s in the mood for human cock.  The lads named Grant.  He’s twenty years old, just the right age for Freda’s tastes, and at the moment, he’s sitting on the couch in the front room of the farmhouse, stark naked.

Freda is naked, too.  So is the dog, of course.  The dog is a big, shaggy mongrel and just great as a lap dog.  The dog has a long, wet tongue and a big, thick cock.  Freda, not having a great deal of imagination, named the dog Rex.  Rex is lying beside the big stone fireplace at the moment, head resting on front paws.  Freda goes to look out the window.  She’s slender and shapely, with long black hair she wears in coils, pert breasts thrust out, and a firm heart, shaped ass.

“Uber coming?” Grant asks as he gazes in admiration at Freda’s naked body.

Grant’s been working for her for six months, and the young man can still not believe his good fortune.

“No sign of it,” Freda said.

“I was thinking, with your niece staying here, I guess we won’t be able to fuck so much, huh?”

He sounds unhappy at the prospect.  They just finished fucking, actually, and his cock is semi-hard.  Even in this condition, it’s an impressive hunk of meat, looping down his thigh in a curl.  Freda turns from the window, smiling.  A streak of juice glistens on her inner thigh.

“Fuck that,” she said.  “I didn’t invite her.  My sister Tania asked me if Sally could stay here.  I’m not gonna change my fucking life just because there’s a goddamn teenager in the house.  Anyhow, maybe she likes the same things I do.”

“Yeah?” Grant asks, interested.

“If she takes after her mother, she’s bound to be a horny bitch,” Freda said.  “Tania was wild when we were around Sally’s age.  She’s a few years older than me, but we used to double date sometimes, so I know how much she loves cock.  I don’t know if Tania’s changed since she got married, but I doubt it.  Shit.  Tania and I even used to eat each other’s pussy’s sometimes.”

Grant gulps, and his cock twitches.  “You and your sister ate each other out?” he asks wide-eyed.

He’s just a country boy and doesn’t know about such things.

“Sure, when we didn’t have a guy around.”  Then, grinning impishly, she adds: “Or a dog.”

Grant’s Adam’s apple bobs.  “Your sister fucked animals, too, huh?”  When he found out Freda is an animal fucker, it blew his mind.  He feels a little jealous about it, too.

Freda shrugs.  She doesn’t know whether Tania ever fucked an animal or not.  Freda discovered the pleasure later on after she married.  Her husband hadn’t been fucking her enough, and one day she coaxed the dog to lick her pussy and then let it fuck her, and she’d been an animal fucker ever since.  She’s not going to forsake the pleasure just because her niece is coming too.  Anyway, Freda has diverse sexual tastes.  She figures it might turn out to be fun, having a sexy eighteen-year-old around if Sally is already naughty, great.  If not, it might be fun to teach her a few things.

Freda is getting horny again just thinking about it.  She glances back and forth between Grant and the dog.  ‘Am I in the mood for dog cock or man cock,’ Freda wonders?  She doesn’t have to decide which of them to have because Freda is perfectly capable of handling more than one cock at a time.

She moves over to the couch and sits beside Grant.  He stares at her mouth, intrigued by the knowledge her sweet lips and flashing tongue ate her sister’s cunt.  She guesses this, and she lets the pink tip of her tongue slide across her lower lip.  Grant’s cock jerks and straightens out.  Freda leans over his belly.  Her long black hair sweeps across his cock and balls.  Grant moans as she blows her warm breath onto his cock.  Then she flicks her tongue across his cockhead, and he shudders.  She kisses the cock tip and slowly takes it into her mouth.

Freda loves to take a cock into her mouth while it is still soft and feel it swell and harden in her lips.  She nurses moistly on his cockhead, her lips pulling and her tongue sliding over the hot cock.  Her saliva runs down his cock.  She bobs her head a little.  Grant’s cock flares and hardens in her mouth.

When his cock is fully hard, Freda draws her lips away.  She isn’t ready to suck him off yet.  She only wants to feel him get hard inside her mouth, to begin with, and she wants to get the dog involved before she finishes milking Grant’s cock and balls.  His naked cock steamed as the horny woman’s saliva evaporates from the hot cock.  His cockhead is glossy with pre-cum, and the dark vein pulsates up the ventral shaft.

“You like my mouth, don’t you?” she whispers, forming an oval with her parted lips.

“Shit, yes.”

“My mouth is like a cunt, isn’t it, Grant?”

He’s nodding eagerly, expectantly.

“You like to fuck my mouth just like it is a pussy, right?  You like to squirt your jizz into my mouth.”

He’s frantically jabbing his cock toward her face, wishing she’d stop talking and start sucking his cock again.  But then she sits upright, smiling wickedly.

“Ain’t you gonna finish it?” he asks with a frown.

“Sure, honey.  You know how much I love to drink your jizz.  I love your cum as much as you love feeding it to me.  But I want to get the dog over here first.  OK?”

Grant nods.  He’s a bit jealous of the dog, whose cock is every bit as big as his, but the man always got plenty excited when the dog’s involved, too.  Freda spreads her thighs apart and dips her hand into her hairy groin.  Her pussy thicket is a mass of curls, a dark jungle through which her juice flows like a swamp.  She uses her fingers to spread her pink pussy lips wide open.

Rex, the dog, lifts that big, blunt head, sniffing.  The delicious aroma of hot pussy drifts across the room.  The dog cocks its head, one ear sticking up.  Its cock starts to tingle.

“C’mon, Rex,” she calls.  “Hot pussy, boy, come and get it.  Come lick it up, boy.”

Rex gets to his feet.  The mutt’s long, red tongue is lolling out from the side of its jaw, and its cock is swelling and lengthening under its shaggy belly.  Freda gazes at the dog’s tongue and then at its cock, admiring both of those valuable organs.  The head of the dog’s cock comes sliding out from the hairy cock sheath.  That naked cock is bright red and slippery.  The mutt’s cock pulsates and flares.

The dog’s inspired by the scent of Freda’s cunt, and its cock is getting hard as a stone and stretching out under the animal, so it seems to be standing astride a pole.  The dog’s balls are filling up, like big hairy melons jams between its hind legs.  Freda hasn’t fucked the dog all day, and it has a massive load of doggy sperm stored.

“Here, Rex, hot pussy,” she calls.

The dog moves across the room, stiff, legged, stepping gingerly around its thrusting cock and bloated balls.  Freda slides her ass down to the edge of the couch, perching there with her feet extended to the floor and her legs wide apart.  She takes her hand away from her pussy.

Rex whines and drools.  Foamy dog drool drips from the dog’s long, red tongue.  The dog acquired a taste for its mistress’s delicious cunt and loved to lick her pussy, especially since the woman always takes care of its cock afterward, one way or another.  Now Rex can tell she wants some tongue.  The dog’s cock will have to wait, but it’s all right because the longer it remains, the more it enjoys shooting its load at the end.

The dog pushes its snout into her crotch.  Freda shudders as the dog’s cold black nose touches her hot clit.  Her pussy ripples, and the pink pussy lips flutter open, streaked with pussy nectar.  The mutt slaps its tongue into her cunt slot.  It licks along her open pussy and over her clit.

Ooh.  Rex’s licking my cunt, Grant,” she moans.

Grant’s well aware of the fact.  He watches the dog’s wet tongue slurp at her creamy pussy.  Pussy juice pours over the dog’s tongue, driving it wild with animal lust.  The beast licks faster, slapping its tongue right up her cunt.  Pussy juice trickles down and seeps into the crack of her ass, and the dog ducks its head down lower and licks at tight ass crack, gathering her nectar hungrily.  She squirms and moans.

Ohhh, it’s so good,” she whimpers.  “Shit, I love Rex’s tongue.”

Grant’s neglected cock is pounding away like a jackhammer, and his balls inflated like balloons.  Freda folds her fist around the hilt of his cock, but she doesn’t stroke him.  She doesn’t want to run the risk of him prematurely ejaculating because she’s in the mood for a drink of hot jizz.

She shifts her position, turning onto her flank and bringing one foot onto the couch, her knee bent and her smooth thigh arched.  The mutt’s big shaggy head bobs in her groin, and she grinds her hips and churns her ass as she works her pussy around on the dog’s blunt muzzle.  The dog tongues her hairy pussy, whimpering and whining as it licks her nectar away greedily.

Then Freda lowers her head over Grant’s loins and takes his cock into her mouth.  Her cheeks are hollow as she sucks on the man’s delicious cock.  Grant throws his head and shoulders back, fucking his cock into her mouth.  He’s panting like the dog, whimpering with the joy of it.  Freda gurgles on his cock.  Her lips make soft sucking sounds, and her nimble tongue slurps.  Freda is in seventh heaven with the dog’s tongue fucking into her cunt and her mouth full of hot cock.  Her face contorts into a mask of animal passion.

I’m gonna cum on the dog’s tongue,” she moans, the words muffled on Grant’s cock.  “Oh, shit.  I’m gonna cum.  Shoot your jizz in my mouth when I cum, Grant.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he groans.  “Fucking hell.  Milk me, Freda.  Swallow my cum.”

The horny woman’s cunt is starting to melt.  The dog is going frantic as it licks away, tasting the subtle difference in the flavor of her pussy juice as she orgasms.  The animal’s muzzle lathers with pussy nectar, and her clit sparks against its tongue.  She jerks and squirms.  Her ass is sliding on the edge of the couch.  Pussy juice gushes from her, lathering her crotch, and Rex licks the delectable stuff away as fast as it pours from her vagina.

She jacks Grant’s cock with her fist, wanting him to climax when she did.  Her hand skims up and down, bumping against her lips, then drawing down to his balls, so she’s jerking him off into her mouth while she nurses on his swollen cockhead.

Mmmm,” she purrs, loving Grant’s cock and eager for his hot, thick jizz.

A spasm shakes her.  Rex whines and licks at her pussy with long, rippling strokes, running his tongue inside her open cunt and across her clit.  Pussy juice is spraying out of her as the dog’s tongue whisks it away.  The creamy stuff runs down her thighs and sprays onto her pussy mound.

Oh my God,” she wails.  “I’m fucking cumming.”

Her fist flies up and down on Grant’s cock as she mouths his cockhead voraciously.  Her lips pull on his cock, and her tongue flashes wildly against the underside.  Another spasm shakes her loins.  Waves of pure ecstasy run up her trembling thighs and darts across her belly, crashing together in her cunt.  The dog’s lengthy tongue snakes up her cunt.  Thick, frothy pussy juice drips from the beast’s jowls.  Frantically, the dog licks away, driven wild by the delicious flavor of her pussy nectar.  She gasps and wails, climaxing repeatedly.

Cum for me, Grant,” she pleads.  “Shoot your fucking jizz in my fucking mouth.”

Grant humps from the couch, fucking through her fist and into her mouth.  Her lips twisted and sucked, and her hot tongue danced against his cockhead.

Here it comes,” he wails.  “Oh, fuck.  Drink it, Freda, drink my fucking cum.”

The young man’s whole body vibrates wildly, and his balls explode.  The thick sperm shoots up his cock and comes spurting out of his cockhead in a creamy cascade.  Freda gasps and gulps, swallowing his semen ravenously and sucking another thick mouthful from his cock.  Jizz overflows her lips and runs down her chin.  Jets of jizz hit the back of her throat and trickles down her gullet as she swallows hungrily.

Grant gasps and collapses along the couch, his balls emptied.  Freda keeps on sucking on his cock, and her cunt keeps drooling more pussy nectar onto the dog’s tongue.  No sooner does a wave of ecstasy rush through her than another follows.  Her pelvis jerks and jolts, and she sobbed and moaned with joy.  Her mouth is full of semen, and her cunt is creaming, and the horny woman is in ecstasy.  And she still has the dog’s big hard cock.

Freda licks up the jizz from Grant’s cock and balls, not wasting a single precious drop.  The dog is still lapping away on her cunt, but she finally stops orgasming.  The animal’s tongue still feels pleasant, even though her pussy cooled off, and Freda knows she’ll soon be horny all over again.  It’s one of those days when she’s in a particularly insatiable mood.  Now she’s going to have the pleasure of taking care of the dog’s hard-on.

She draws her head up from Grant’s cock, licking her jizz-soaked lips, smiling with anticipation.  Rex’s head raises, one ear cocked, the dog’s tongue hanging out and dripping with pussy juice.  The animal’s cock is so taut it is vibrating like a tuning fork.

“Shit, I sure enjoyed drinking your cum today,” Freda said.  “I’m really in a cocksucking mood.” She grins impishly.  “I think I’ll suck the dog’s cock now.”

Grant grins.  His cock softened somewhat, but not wholly, and he knows he’s going to be able to perform again.  If Freda intends to blow the dog, it means Grant will have the pleasure of fucking her cunt afterward.

Freda turns toward Rex.  “How about it, you nice dog?” she asks.  “Would you like to fuck me in the mouth now?”

The dog yelps as if it understands.  Maybe it does.  It won’t be the first time it’s had its cock in Freda’s hot mouth and hosed her throat with its canine jizz.  Freda slides down from the couch onto the floor.  She curls onto her flank beside the dog.  For a few moments, she just gazes at Rex’s cock and balls, savoring the anticipation.  Her mouth is watering for some doggy cock and some of that distinctive canine jizz.

The mutt is quivering all over, and its cock is vibrating wildly, the big red cockhead pulsating and the thick shaft throbbing.  A trickle of pre-cum seeps out of the piss hole, making the dog’s cock look even more succulent.  Freda cups the dog’s big balls in one hand holds the root of his cock in the other.  She slides her head under its shaggy belly and licks the pointy tip of the canine cock.

Yummy,” she purrs as her nimble tongue licks the pre-cum.

Rex whines.  The beast’s hairy haunches ripple as it thrust its cock into Freda’s face.  Her tongue slides over the red cock.  She parts her lips and is just about to take the cock into her mouth and start sucking it off.  Then she’s interrupted.

Aunt Freda.  What the fuck are you doing?” Sally Knights shouted as she stands in the doorway, staring in amazement at the outrageous scene.


Sally’s Uber had arrived just a few minutes before.  She got to the house and went inside without knocking.  The door isn’t locked, and Aunt Freda is expecting her, and it never occurred to Sally she might be interrupting something.  She goes down the hallway and turns into the front room, and halts in total astonishment.  Innocent little Sally should have been shocked and dismayed at finding her aunt sucking on a dog’s cock.  But the girl is thrilled by the bizarre scene.

There’s a naked guy sprawled out on the couch, his big cock jutting in the air.  Her aunt is on the floor, tonguing the swollen head of a dog’s cock.

Aunt Freda.  What the fuck are you doing?

But she knows damned well what Aunt Freda is doing.  It’s just what Sally wants to do, herself.


Freda’s startled when she hears the eighteen-year-old girl speak.  It’s embarrassing to have her teenage niece find her tonguing a doggy cock.  But Freda isn’t the sort of woman who let such considerations interfere with her pleasures.  She isn’t ashamed of her desires.  ‘If Sally’s scandalized, it’s just too fucking bad,’ Freda thought.

She peers at Sally, interested to see how the girl is reacting to the situation.  Sally’s mouth is gaping open, and her eyes are bulging, and she’s shocked, but she seems fascinated, as well, and Freda smiles.

“Hi, Sally,” she said casually.

Grant gazes up from the couch.  He’s more embarrassed than Freda, but he can’t fail to notice Sally is a very sexy and nubile young lady.

“Um, I didn’t mean to interrupt you, ” Sally said softly.

“That’s OK.  If you’re gonna be staying here, things like this are gonna happen,” Freda said, giving the girl a speculative look.  She hadn’t seen Sally in over a year, and, like Grant, Freda noticed how desirable the girl has become.  “You don’t mind, do you?  I mean, if it’s gonna be a hassle, I can ask a friend in town to put you up,” Freda asks.

“No,” Sally mumbles.

“Well, make yourself at home while I finish sucking off this fucking dog’s cock,” Freda said and smiles.

Freda dips her head under the big doggy’s belly again.  Her tongue comes out, flicking at the head of its stiff cock.  Sally feels as if she’s going to faint.  She can hardly believe her eyes.  The teen watches her aunt’s pink tongue glides over the angry red meat of the dog’s cockhead, slathering it with saliva.

Mmmm,” Freda purrs.

“Ooh,” Sally groans.

Pussy juice is running down Sally’s thighs, and desire makes her dizzy.  She staggers across the room on unsteady legs and sits on the couch next to Grant.  Fascinated by what her aunt is doing, the girl doesn’t even realize she’s next to a naked man.

“Wanna play with my cock?” Grant asks, grinning.

“What?” Sally asks wide-eyed.

Grant takes her hand and draws it down onto his cock.  Sally starts to pull away automatically.  How can she play with a guy’s cock when her aunt is in the room?  But then it dawns on her Aunt Freda can hardly object when the woman is blowing a dog.  Sally folds her tiny fist around Grant’s big cock and slowly jacks it.  Grant put his arm around her, his hand trailing down onto her plump breast, caressing it and the nipple.  Aunt Freda glances up and smiles approvingly.  ‘It’s going to be fun having Sally visit,’ she thought.  Freda has plans for her young niece.  But first, she has to attend to the job at hand, and, still smiling, she turns back to the dog.

Rex is frantic with excitement.  The dog’s used to Freda’s mouth and cunt, but now there is the delicious scent of another pussy in the room, and it doubles the dog’s lust.  The beast’s hairy haunches quiver.

Freda licks the dog’s bloated cockhead with lavish strokes of her tongue, lapping all over the big, purple slab.  She’s holding the dog’s cock by the root, dragging the sheath back so the cockhead flares out.  The dog’s piss hole is gaping open, and the cock-hungry woman pushes her tongue right inside.  The dog yelps and whines.  A blob of pre-cum oozes from the tip of the dog’s cock.

Freda draws back, watching the frothy slime run down the red cock, then uses her tongue to gather it up.  She let the pre-cum run over her taste buds for a moment, savoring the salty, coppery taste.  The flavor and the texture make her greedy for more of the delicious dog juice.  She swallows the slippery nugget.  Freda tongues the dog’s swollen cockhead some more.  Then it’s time to take the dog’s cock into her mouth and commence sucking it toward the creamy conclusion.

The brunette MILF rolls onto her flank and draws a knee up.  She wants Sally to get a good look at her bushy, juicy pussy, for future reference.  Freda knows full well that girls like men and dogs and tend to get horny at the sight of a pussy.  She kisses the tip of Rex’s cock and then lets her lips slowly part, feeding the dog’s slimy cock into her slobbering mouth.  She nurses on the dog’s cock.  Her lips are pulling and dragging moistly on it.  Her tongue dances against the underside of the tasty cock.

Rex humps.  His powerful hindquarters bunch with muscle, and the dog thrust its cock out into Freda’s face.  She purrs happily, letting the doggy fucking its tasty cock into her mouth.  The dog’s pointy cockhead fucks into her throat.


Freda gags as the fat slab of canine cock jammed her throat and wedges down her gullet.  She glances toward the couch and is pleased to see Sally is watching with total concentration.  Sally’s slowly pumping Grant’s cock, and the young man is squeezing her breasts, but both of them are paying more attention to Freda and the dog than to themselves.

Whimpering and yelping, Rex fucks into Freda’s mouth with long, rippling strokes.  The dog’s burying its cock to the root.  As the mutt fucks in, her chin brushes against the dog’s bloated balls.  Then the animal draws back out, and the horny dog sucker mouths every inch of its cock, her lips twisting and dragging hungrily.

“He’s fucking her mouth,” Sally whispers.

“She’s gonna drink his cum,” Grant rasps.

The man’s cock expands in Sally’s fist.  Her cunt is soaking wet, and her mouth is watering.  The girl envies her naughty aunt has a delicious-looking mouthful of cock.

Freda’s head bobs down while the dog humps, taking its tasty cock deep into her mouth.  The dog’s cockhead is dribbling pre-cum steadily now.  It’s pouring into her cheeks and onto her tongue.  The woman gurgles happily, swallowing some of the delicious dog pre-cum and letting the rest of it stay in her mouth, where she can taste it.

The dog’s balls swing in like the clappers of a hairy bell, whacking against her chin.  She tilts her head from side to side, winding her compressed lips around on the canine cock, slurping and sucking hungrily. Usually, when she blows the dog, Freda likes to make a prolonged job of it, enjoying a long suck on its cock before she swallows its jizz.  But today, the passionate woman wants the dumb animal to jizz soon because she has other exciting things planned.  She draws her lips to the tip of Rex’s cockhead.  Slimy dog jizz runs down her chin.

Ooh, the dog’s gonna shoot,” Sally moans.

Freda’s nimble tongue slides over his cock, and then she let it fuck into her mouth again.  Her face is radiant with pleasure.  Her mouth is full of dog cock, and she’s hungry for its load.  Freda’s tongue curls around its cockhead, and her lips drag over the hairy shaft, turning almost inside out as the dog withdraws its fucker from her mouth.  The woman’s tongue is tingling like her clit as she drools on sweet dog cock—nursing and slurping.

The dog’s fucking into her face so fast now his haunches are a blur.  Freda bobs her head up and down furiously, matching the animal’s frantic fucking pace.  The knot is too big now to go into Freda’s mouth, and it punches her lips loudly.  The mutt’s hind legs scramble on the floor as it drives its loins.  Its tail is wagging about like a rudder steering its canine cock into the woman’s wet mouth.

Ahhhhhh.  Mmmmmmm,” Freda purrs.

Rex howls, and balls explode.  The dog’s slimy jizz pours into Freda’s mouth.  She gulps the hot semen down hungrily, but there’s too much to swallow it all.  Sperm overflows her pursed lips and runs down her chin.  The dog blows another wad into her mouth.

“Oh, shit.  The dog’s fucking cumming,” Sally said.  “He’s cumming in her fucking mouth.”

Sobbing with passion, Sally pumps on Grant’s cock and squirms her breast against his caressing hand.  She watches the doggy jizz pour into her aunt’s willing mouth.  She sees Freda’s throat work as she swallows dog semen.

“She’s drinking dog cum,” Sally cries.

Freda sucks and swallows.  The dog fucks her face with frantic energy, shooting another load of semen with every stroke.  Its balls seem bottomless.  The mutt’s pouring sperm into her greedy mouth, and it hoses her throat and spurts hot jets into her cheeks and onto her tongue.  The dog’s spine bows as it slams his loins out, burying its cock to the knot and squirting yet another salty geyser of jizz into Freda’s greedy mouth.

At long last, Rex’s final spurt of jizz pours out.  The dog slows, fucking more gently into her mouth as the last of its load trickles out.  Then the shaggy mutt stops moving and stands stiffly, its flanks heaving, its tongue hanging from the side of its mouth—the dog’s panting heavily in the aftermath of its massive orgasm.

Freda continues to suck on the dog’s cock to make sure she milked out every precious drop of jizz.  Rex’s cock and balls are empty, but the fat cock is still hot and hard in her mouth.  Freda is glad of that.  The depraved woman knows they’ll need this big doggy cock again today.


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