Club Mandingo!

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Club Mandingo!
Club Mandingo!
Year: 2017
Eric Hansen takes his wife to “Club Mandingo,” where some hung black men pick them up. But the men aren’t satisfied with just fucking his hotwife, they’re soon fucking Eric too, and demeaning him about his tiny white dicklette.
Max Swan
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Eric and Nicole Hansen are getting ready to meet some friends at a local BBQ restaurant in the Deep South.  The Harvey’s are neighbors back in LA, and running into them in Alabama was something of a surprise.  For the Hansen’s are on vacation, and despite Eric’s attempts to fob their neighbors off, it seems the Harvey’s wouldn’t say no.  As usual, seeing Nicole running around naked gets Eric hard.  She’s only small at five feet, so is Eric, who’s five foot four, yet they go to the gym regularly, and she’s in great shape.  Her lithe body always turns Eric on when she moves around, especially naked.  Her pert tits bouncing, or her tiny ass wiggling does it for him every time.

This time, like most times, he cannot resist, so he gets behind her as she’s looking in her wardrobe and wraps his arms around her.  Then moving her blonde hair out of the way, he nuzzles into her neck, tasting her soft, fresh skin and making her laugh as he teases her ear with his tongue.  Not letting her go, Eric spins his wife around and pushes her onto the bed.  He groans excitedly as he takes one of her large hard nipples into his mouth and rolls the tender rubbery teat around with his tongue.  Eric’s rewarded with a low moan as he trails his kisses lower.

The coarse hair of her trimmed pubes rubs against his chin as he pushes open her slit and slides his tongue over her clit and thrust against her tight cunt hole.

Nicole starts to giggle.  “Hey, we’re supposed to meet Laura and John in an hour,” she said, lifting her head off the bed and staring at Eric with raised eyebrows.

She vainly pushes at his head, yet he soon gets past her passive resistance and put the thought out of her head as he attacks her clit with his tongue.  Her knees come up as she squirms, while the warm, sweet taste of her pussy juices fills his mouth.  As always, when Nicole cums, she gets mildly tender around her clit, and he always pushes the limits and gently licks at her love button.  At the same time, she tries to push his head away from between her legs.

Stop it, God, I can’t take anymore,” she moans, pushing on his head.

Smiling and wiping his chin, he pulls her up, so she’s facing his cock.  This moment is always a little embarrassing for Eric as he’s a member of The Small Dick Club.  On a good day, like today, he manages a hard four inches and as thick as his thumb.  Yet he stands proudly, with the little foreskin dangling off the swollen end just inches from her face.  Her big blue eyes glance up at Eric, and she slaps his small dick making Eric jump.

“Get your dickie outta my face, mister,” she said with a smirk.  “Now, get on the bed, and I’ll ride it.”

Eric gets on the bed, and she rolls a condom down his little rocket, and to make sure it stays in place, she snaps the latex over his balls too.  In one swift motion, her hot, tight, juicy cunt is on his cock, and she’s rolling her ass around.

“Oh God, I can nearly feel you tonight, Eric,” she said.  “I love having your dick inside me.”

He’s never sure if she’s taking the piss or if she means it.  However, within moments she cums, gasping and moaning as she squeezes her tits with her head tilted back.  Her cunt grips his cock tightly, and it sends Eric over, so he shoots his load with a grunt.  After his orgasm fades, he opens his eyes to see her smiling down at him.

“Look who’s a horny boy tonight,” she teases.

Eric wants to go again, yet their cab is due at any time now, and they have just wasted fifteen minutes fooling around.  He watches her quickly jump into the shower and wash again.  He feels a lucky man with such a hot wife as he watches her slide her soapy hands over her slim yet curvy body. Eric dumps the used condom into the bin and washes his dick in the sink.

Soon they’re dressed and gazing out the front window of their motel for the taxi to arrive.  Nicole wears her short black cocktail dress with no stockings this time, her slim legs appear enticing as he follows the soft curve of her legs from her heels to her pert ass hidden beneath the hem of her dress.

She bends over the windowsill, cupping her face in her hands with a cute smile lighting her face as she squeezes her ample cleavage to tease Eric.  He can’t help himself and slides a hand over her back to trace her curves.  A slight feeling of disappointment takes him as he’s about to lift her dress and squeeze her ass because the taxi arrives and sounds its horn.  ‘Fuck,’ he thought.  ‘What about my horn?


At the restaurant Laura and John, neighbors who live a few houses down from Eric and Nicole are the bores he had suspected.  John, a man in his late forties, is stiff with blue-collar talk and future expansions to his business.  Eric is a psychiatrist, so he doesn’t care about business plans.  Then Laura, with her enormous fake boobs and peroxide blonde hair, starts selling them Amway.  ‘Fuck, somebody, kill me,’ Eric thought, glancing at his wife as he knows she’s thinking the same thing.

Suddenly, Nicole reaches for something on the table and knocks John’s beer into his lap.

“Oh, shit,” John roared, pushing himself back in the chair while rubbing at his groin.

The beer had soaked John through, and Nicole grabs her napkin and starts trying to dry him, rubbing it over his groin.

Laura then half-jokingly quips, “Great, John, now you’ll have to take off your clothes.”

Nicole purrs playfully at this offensive comment, especially when he starts doing just that in the restaurant.  The women laugh as John acts as if he’s going to take his pants off.  Eric can’t see what’s happening as he’s sitting on the opposite side of the table.  Unknown to him, John manages to undo his pants and pull them down enough to flash his big white cock at Nicole’s staring eyes.

STOP, you stupid fuck,” Laura suddenly said with an insolent grin.  “You’re gonna get us arrested.”

John grins and scoots forward to hide his exposed cock beneath the table.  However, he doesn’t put it away.  Nicole shakes her head and chuckles because it’s the first time all night she’s enjoyed herself.

“I didn’t know John had such a wild streak,” Nicole said, slipping her hand under-the-table into John’s lap to feel the impressive phallus.

“Oh yeah, he’s a real party animal at heart,” Laura said, rolling her eyes.  “He’s quite a handful, don’t you think?”

The women laugh knowingly as his cock grows in Nicole’s stroking hand, and John’s grin grows wider.

“Oh, Laura,” Eric said, “wouldn’t you be embarrassed if strangers see his—well, you know—in the restaurant.”

Her eyes practically shine. “Oh, no, honey.  John has nothing to be ashamed of ‘down there,’” she said with a wink.  “Believe me, sweetie, he’s so proud of it, he’d walk around naked if the law allowed.”

John grunts.  “Come on, honey, I wouldn’t go that far,” he said, shaking his head.

Nicole’s mouth grows tight as she sits, so her body shields the fact she’s giving John a handjob while Eric is oblivious of the event. “Really?” she asks wide-eyed.

Laura answers as if a giddy schoolgirl talking about something naughty with her friends on a sleepover. “Oh yeah, honey,” she said, leaning across the table and speaking in a harsh whisper.  Her movement also distracts Eric from seeing Nicole and John’s intimate moment.  “He knows how to use it too.  But I think you have a grip on the truth of it, right?”

A hungry, sexy look crosses Nicole’s face. “I can barely get a grip on it,” she said softly and chuckles.  “Eric would never let anyone see him naked, aside from me, for the opposite reason, though.”

The women laugh heartily, and Eric blushes every shade of red.  There’s a visible sweat line on his forehead, and he grimaces, feeling lightheaded at the sound of the women laughing.  Add to this the smugness coming from John, Eric feels his stomach drop.  Laura saying public nudity wouldn’t embarrass John because of his big cock shamed Eric.  Especially when Nicole implied Eric would be embarrassed by public nudity because of his small size.  John suddenly lurches forward, and grunts as his cock cums under the table.  Nicole’s hand suddenly appears, and she starts licking her fingers.

“The food here is tasty,” she said to Laura.  “I love the sauce.”

Her hand disappears for a moment, then returns to her mouth for more sucking and licking of her fingers.

“There’s more where that came from if you want?” Laura said.

“I look forward to it,” Nicole said with a wink.

For the rest of the evening, Eric feels uncomfortable, thinking his wife has ousted him to their neighbors about his small penis size.  He just can’t seem to concentrate on anything.  The conversation is echoing around him, and Eric feels isolated from it.  He hears them laughing and thinks it’s about him, his thoughts muddled, and he thinks: ‘This can’t be happening.’

Eventually, Nicole takes his hand and asks, “Are you OK, darling?”

He clears his throat and feels his cheeks burn.  “I’m not feeling well,” he said.  “Do you mind if we leave?”

“Oh, Eric, what’s the matter,” Laura said, putting her hand to his forehead mothering him.  “You’re burning up, poor baby.”

“I’m sorry to cut the night short,” Eric said, standing.  He puts down a hundred-dollar bill on the table.  “This should cover half of the bill.”

“Sure, we’ll catch up back in L.A.,” John said, also standing, the wet patch on his pants highlighting his massive bulge.

The men shake hands, and the women kiss.  Laura and John don’t seem to mind and wish them a good night as the Hansen’s make for the taxi stand down the street.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.