Sierra’s Nightmare

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Sierra's Nightmare
Sierra’s Nightmare
Year: 2022
Sierra’s getting obscene phone calls and it’s sparking her desires which the family pet can sense. But is this stranger on the phone a threat?
Sheela B.
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“And then I’m gonna suck your cunt nice and slow so you can feel my tongue slipping right between those pretty pussy lips.”

“Who is this?  How the fuck did you get my number?”

“Don’t matter,” the heavy voice breathes after a second or two of rest.  “I’m gonna suck hard, real hard against your pussy.  You’re gonna be bucking and moaning by the time I get through with you.”

“I won’t.  Who is this?”

Sierra Miller sits at the edge of her small bed, her feet pressing hard against the dark green carpeting.  She’s alone in the big house, and never before had the eighteen-year-old felt more vulnerable, more frightened than now.

“Then I’m gonna fuck you.  My cock’s real thick and long.  You’re gonna feel it.”

The unknown caller sighs.  There’s the sound of fumbling over her cell phone.  Sierra blushes furiously, her toes curling hard.  She knows what he’s doing.  He’s playing with himself, rubbing his cock while telling her these awful things.

“I’m gonna end this,” Sierra said, her icy fingers tightening around her cell phone.

“No, you’re not,” he moans, laughing softly at her defiance.  “You like it.  You like hearing about what I’m gonna do to you.  Fucking, baby.  That’s what I’m gonna do to you.  You’re gonna be yelping for my cock.  Ohhhh, baby, you should see my cock now.  It’s all red, thick, and juicy, ready for your tight pussy.”

Sierra wants to end the call.  She does.  But something vague and yet all too real is keeping her fingers around her phone.  The girl begins rubbing her free hand over her tummy, and the halter around her breasts begins to bind her.  The pretty blonde teen edges back on the bed, unaware of movement at her half-opened bedroom door.


“Don’t what?  Tease you, baby?  You wanna have a good taste of my cock now?”

“No, stop this,” Sierra begs.

He laughs, his laughter turning to a low moan.  Sierra wonders just how big his cock is.  Then she shakes her head.  She isn’t that kind of girl.  Not like that bitch Emily Tarrant who just edged her out of cheerleading practice this afternoon.

“You don’t want it to stop,” the male voice said.  “Just like you won’t want me to stop when I start squeezing my cock into your cunt.”

Sierra thinks again about ending the call.  It’s a simple move.  But instead, she remains sitting on the edge of the bed, her naked legs pressing against the mattress.  She can feel her pussy swelling open, a hot feeling steaming up her pussy.  Sierra scoots her pert ass back a little, feeling the sexy rub of her slick pussy lips against one another.  She blushes, glad her mother isn’t home.  ‘What would she think, being the kind of straight-laced prude mom is?’ Sierra wonders.  Then a thought strikes her.

Perhaps her pervert caller knows she’s alone.  Perhaps her caller knows everything about her.  A movement nearby interrupts the teen’s thoughts.  At first, Sierra thinks it’s her mother, and she freezes.  ‘How could I explain this to mom?’ she wonders.  Then Sierra sighs with relief, realizing it is the family dog.  Picard.  Sierra smiles weakly, letting out a hissing sigh when she sees the handsome gray and black German shepherd edging past the door and into her bedroom.

No one would dare come into the house with Picard standing guard.  Her mother had bought the dog nearly three years ago for protection, shortly after her father had died.  Picard served them well, acting as if it was the king of the house, an attitude her mother fostered, but one that made Sierra a little nervous occasionally.  Right now, the girl’s glad the dog’s around.

“Am I getting to you, baby?  I can hear you moaning almost as loud as me,” the male said.

Oh, how she wished she could place that voice.  There’s a familiar ring to it.  But he’s doing his best to disguise it.  She leans forward, slipping one hand around the dog’s powerful neck while listening to this vile man whispering to her.

“Listen to me,” she said to the pervert.  “I don’t wanna hear you talking to me like that because—ohhhhh.”

Sierra drops her cell phone, her eyes widening with surprise.  She can’t believe what happened.  The German shepherd is pressing its snout against the crotch band of her shorts.

“No, stop it,” she hisses, warily glancing at her cell phone.

She can hear the faint rattling of the man’s odd voice.  Dropping her hands to her damp crotch, Sierra pushes the curious dog away.  Nosing around, dogs do that kind of thing all the time.  But now, this is different.  She’s so hot, so very hot after listening to all the things this stranger told her.  The last thing Sierra feels she needs is a pussy-nosing dog.

“Something wrong, baby?” the man asks.

“No, no—”

“I wanna come and see you.  One day, I’m gonna wind up right there in your bedroom, you know.  Right next to those Justin Bieber posters.”

Sierra’s heart skips a beat.  She flashed her eyes to the left and stared at the posters in question.  “How do you—” she begins.

She didn’t bother to finish the sentence.  Sierra feels she’s dealing with someone out of the ordinary.  He isn’t about to give her the correct answers.  Besides, Picard is acting strange again, pressing his snout against her crotch.  The man’s voice is sounding cocky, self-assured over the cell phone.  Sierra squeezes the device in her damp palm.  Again, she tries pushing the big shepherd away.  The dog rolls its big sorrowful eyes at her, blinking while cocking its head to one side.  Sierra swallows hard.

“You can’t come over here.  I don’t want to see you,” Sierra protests.

“That’s not what I hear in your fuckin’ voice, baby.  Why don’t you text me some pictures of you naked, and I’ll cum over them?”

What can she do?  This man is still on the phone, and Picard is nosing around again, trying to get at her hot, buttery pussy lips.  Sierra jerks her legs up, folding them under her ass.  Her knees cramp from the position.  It’s the only one.  However, she can get into and keep the dog from her pussy.

“Come on, show me your pussy and tits,” he says.

She can hear his breathing even more now.  Maybe it’s because she’s becoming more aroused.  His voice is a turn-on despite the fear she feels.  It’s touching something deep inside Sierra, something she had felt stirring uncomfortably for the past year.  The girl finds herself leaning back on the bed, pushing her legs out until her heels dangled over either side of the narrow mattress.

“There’s no way I’m sending you anything like that,” she shouts.

“Sure, you will.  I wanna see the pussy I plan to suck the juices out of until it cums.”

Sierra flushes even more.  She’s getting this dirty phone call and secretly enjoying it.  What’s worse is that the dog is now climbing onto her bed.  Sierra gazes up, swallowing hard as the German shepherd lumbers onto the coverlet.  The dog sniffs at her toes, touching them with its cold snout.  The girl cringes, jerking her right foot back and bending the knee hard.  Picard is undaunted.  The dog moves forward, drawing its tongue along her ankle to her knee.  Then down behind it to that sensitive spot of flesh.  Sierra let out another hissing breath, ensuring the unknown man didn’t hear her reaction.  She thinks she will drop the cell phone when Picard slides forward a little more, pressing forepaws against her inner thighs.  The dog’s licking the material pressing up against her pussy lips.  The beast can smell and taste her.  That realization comes as a shock as the girl lies on her bed and hears that man telling her wonderful, strange things about her cunt.

“And then maybe I’ll let you suck my big cock,” the man said.

What am I doing?’ Sierra wonders.  It’s as if another person is somehow inside her body.  Sierra finds herself slipping from her shorts, peeling the tight-fitting blue garment down from her thighs, knees, and toes.  The girl can hear cars shooting up and down the narrow tree-lined street outside.  Meanwhile, she’s spread open—hot and wet—letting the dog touch her private parts.

Ahhhh,” she moans softly.

“You still there?” the pervert asks.

“Oh, yes, but—”

“I’m gonna let you suck my cock.  It’s pretty fucking big, but you’ll get the hang of it.  Lots of girls do.  I promise I won’t cum in your mouth.  Not the first time, anyway.”

Sierra shivers at the thought.  She shivers at something else right now.  The dog’s forcing her tight, white shivering thighs apart with its nose, bracing its paws on her hips and dipping its head.  Sierra watches with suspicious eyes as Picard presses the lips of her pussy back to give the dog room to lick at her pulsing clit.  ‘How does he know about that?’ the girl wonders.  Sierra tightens her ass cheeks, feeling the muscles cramp in her butt and along the backs of her thighs.  The sensation of Picard’s warm furry head against her flesh sends rivulets of pleasure rushing along her spine.

“You ain’t ever done anything like this before, eh?”

“No, and I’m not going to start now,” Sierra said as firmly as possible.

“Yeah, they all say at first,” he counters.  “But when I stick my cock inside, they fall hard.”

Sierra let out another groan, her knees jerking up, then slowly settling back down to the bed.  The dog wiggles its snout against the mouth of her vagina.  Sierra sucks in a ragged breath, then collapses backward on her bed.  Her thighs spread helplessly for the dog.  Somehow, she managed to keep the cell phone wedged between her right shoulder and her chin.  The room is getting fuzzy while a buzzing sound resounds in her ears.

“Not me,” she insisted.

“Yeah, baby, yeah.  And you ain’t gonna be the exception.”

Sierra can’t stop either of them.  The man and the dog are on their paths.  She’s helpless, trapped by her blossoming sexuality.  Sierra rocks from left to right.  The buttery dew is oozing from her fuck slot, dotting her pubic hairs.  She’s ashamed and yet curious about these sensations, this odd combination of words and the dog’s tongue.

“I’ll come over this week, baby.  This week.”

“Oh, no.  No.  I’ll call the police.  You can’t do this.  You can’t—”

“I can do anything I fucking want,” he growls.

Sierra pants hard, feeling dizzy.  She’s moaning now, responding with half-words as the dog settled down to his cunt licking.  Picard’s growling now, a soft, muted growling that resounds deep in her cunt.  She feels her muscles convulsing deep inside as the dog licks down over her ass cheeks and into her cunt.  Pulling back, Picard rims the edges of her cuntal mouth teasingly.  Sierra stares wide-eyed at the beast.  She can swear the dog has done this somewhere before.

“No, you can’t,” she tells the pervert on the phone.

“You don’t want it?  Then hang up.  Hang up right now, and nothing’s gonna happen.”

Sierra can’t move.  It’s as if someone had drugged her.  She raises her knees instead, letting them fall apart, to either side of the bed.  The dog yips in triumph, scooting forward more on the mattress.  The animal’s long, broad pink tongue laps and licks deep into her cunt.  Sierra can’t believe it.

Ahhhh,” she softly moans.

Sierra feels her heart pounding hard in her chest.  She’s getting dizzier and dizzier.  Her cunt is flooding out hot juices, which the animal is licking up.  The girl rolls halfway to the left, raising her knee slightly and then spreading them further from her body.  The resulting tension is making her cunt throb all the harder.  She had been careful on dates, making sure no boy took her before she was ready.  Yet here she is, spread wide open for a German shepherd.  Sierra let out another moan.

“I’m gonna fuck you good and hard,” the stranger insists.

“No, don’t—don’t talk like that,” Sierra groans.

The girl is rubbing the naked backs of her legs against the coverlet now.  The smooth, cool sensation of the material against her flesh makes her hotter.  She licks her dry lips, blinking her eyes and peering at the cunt-licking pooch.  Picard meets her eyes, staring hard at her making Sierra close her eyes.  There’s a kind of mocking intelligence in the dog’s eyes that frightens her.  She rubs her naked little ass faster and faster, her breath coming in short, raspy little pants.

“Real slow is how I’m gonna do it.  I’ll even let you put it in.  You ever touched a cock when it slides in?”

Stop it.”

Somehow, she’s managed to pull the cell phone from her chin.  Sierra is holding it safely away from her lips, gasping for air as the dog keeps touching those sensitive areas around her cunt.  The girl doesn’t want to let that dirty man hear her groans.  He’d think they were for him, and he’d come right over.

The dog is lapping his tongue up and down now, wetting her pussy lips, then slopping to her clit and touching it repeatedly.  The resulting showering sparks make Sierra prance her ass up and down.  She moves her cunt from side to side, increasing the slick friction already driving her mad.

God,” she moans.

Picard is pushing his tongue inside her cunt.  It’s as if the dog’s scrounging around for something in there.  Sierra let out another groan, arching her spine and pushing her head and shoulders back into the soft pillow behind her.  She fans her toes out, curling them until they cramp.  Slowly she moves her fingers around and around her lower belly, pushing them down until she can feel the soft, silken hairs of her cunt.  They were so very wet with her juices and the shepherd’s spit.  Sierra let out another cry, snaking her body across the sheets.  Behind her, she hears the headboard banging against the wall.

“My cock’s real dark at the tip.  It’s real dark and big.  You’re gonna feel it good when my cock slips in because it’ll stretch you,” the man continues.  “Man, I’ll probably have to stick my tongue in your cunt and work it around to make sure I don’t rip you up when I fuck you.”

The dog’s tongue is inside her cunt.  Sierra let out a shuddering breath, feeling Picard’s tongue circling around and around in her vagina like a mix-master.  She can feel her muscles cinching down on his wonderful hot wet tongue.  ‘Oh, if it were a cock now,’ she thought, ‘my pussy would be milking it.’  Just thinking about her pussy fucked like that sends Sierra higher than before.

“Yeah, gonna stick my tongue in and stretch you with it until you squirm and cry,” the stranger rasps.

“No, I’m gonna hang up now,” Sierra said.  “Don’t come over here, or I’ll call the police.  I don’t want to see you—ever.”

Sierra makes a third attempt to end the call, but she can’t move.  The girl can only jerk her ass up and down against Picard’s mouth’s steady, wet rub.  She can’t keep her ass still.  ‘Oh, it’s so good having that mouth doing that to my pussy,’ she thought.  Grinding her teeth against one another, Sierra tilts her hips to the left, then jerks them to the right.  Her glistening pussy stretches tantalizingly, opening more and more to the dog’s probing tongue.  ‘Oh, he’s sticking it in deeper.’

“Fucking, baby.  That’s what we’re gonna be doing.  When we get through, I’m gonna make sure you don’t have a virgin pore on your body,” the stranger promises.

Stop—oh, God.”

Why doesn’t he just stop and leave me alone?’ Sierra wonders.  He’s telling her all those awful things, and those words stimulate her.  He’s making her lie there, stretching out so prettily on the bed, while the horrible dog does something to her pussy with its mouth.  ‘If he only knew what Picard’s doing to me,’ she thought.

“That’s what I’m gonna do, too—stop in the middle, make you beg for it.  That’s what plenty of chicks do—beg for it when I think about taking my cock out,” the man boasts.

Sierra nearly lost the phone more than once as the man kept telling her how he was going to fuck her, then make her suck his cock.  That wet mass between her legs is throbbing hard now.  Her pussy is feverish, swollen open, running with juice.  She bobs her ass around in wild circles as the dog brings her closer and closer to the final hot rush of excitement.  Her fingers stretch forward, curling in the animal’s fur, holding the dog hard against her dripping cunt.

“Nice fucking.  We’re gonna be doin’ nice fucking.”

The pervert’s words sound so dreamy as Sierra feels herself starting to climax.  Sierra can hardly hear the obscene phone-talker now.  There’s a sharp pounding in her head, one matching the steady licking of the German shepherd’s tongue.  The blonde eighteen-year-old is trying to fill her lungs with oxygen.  All the deep breaths she takes seem to burn the insides of her flaring nostrils.

It’s so good feeling the tension between her shuddering legs build and build.  Her belly seems to swell with anticipation while the nipples of her breasts push up against the thin halter material.  If only she could have something inside her cunt.

Ahhhhh,” she moans.

The awful man is planting terrible ideas in her head.  But still thinks about a dark stranger crawling over her, holding her down while fucking her.  Then another thought comes to her.  ‘What would it feel like having his hard-muscled, furry body on top of me?  What would it be like feeling his cock spreading my pussy lips apart, fucking into me?’  The thought hurries the young woman into an orgasm.

“You’d like to have me fucking you, yes, back and forth, in and out, fucking your cunt open until you go nuts,” the man said.

Sierra twitches around the bed as if someone has touched her with a live electric wire.  She can feel herself climaxing.  It’s slow, furiously slow, and almost painful.  The girl wishes there was something she could do to hurry the process.  But Sierra feels so stupid about these things.  She thrashes crazily, still managing to keep her cell phone wedged between her right shoulder and her chin.  She listens carefully to the man’s breathless words and the description he’s giving her of his cock and how he’s going to fuck her.  More than once, however, Sierra nearly cries the dog’s name into the phone.

Sierra feels her calves cramping while her ass bounces heavily against the bed.  The mattress squeaks, and the headboard clatters against the wall.  For a second, Sierra thinks she’s dying.  Her breath stops, her heart seeming to skip several beats while the dog’s tongue repeatedly skewers her soppy little cunt.  The teen can feel the dog’s sharp front fangs brushing against the rim of her pussy.  The muscles there are spasming against the dog’s sharp teeth.  All the while, its tongue is fucking her as if it’s a cock.

“Go for it, baby.  You’re cumming, right?  That’s tough, bitch, really tough.”

“No, no—liar.”

Sierra can only pant a broken protest as waves of delight wash over her as she can’t handle this kind of pleasure.  Sierra drops the phone on the pillow near her head with another cry.

“I’m gonna come over and fuck you this week.  You remember that, Sierra.  I’m gonna come over and fuck your cunt until you cry.”

Sierra can hardly make out what he’s saying.  Her mind is splintering into millions of brightly colored fragments.  The girl raises her head an inch or two above the crushed pillow.  Picard is on all fours now.   The German shepherd’s mouth buried in her wet thicket.  The dog’s wagging its tail stiffly, twisting its hips around.  Dropping her gaze just a bit, Sierra can see Picard’s cock, long, red, knobby, slick with juices.

The dog’s cock is easing out from the gray-furred sheath covering it.  The girl feels another spasm of chills rush over her flesh.  She wonders how it would feel having the dog’s cock spreading her open, squeezing into her vagina.  The thought takes her strength away.  Sierra falls back onto the bed, wallowing her shoulders against the pillow while another spasm shakes her cunt.

Ohhhhhh,” she moans.

The man’s voice sounds far away because a firestorm of climax is trapping her in place.  Blinding lights flash behind her eyes.  Sierra sees the cell phone resting on the pillow near her.  His voice sounds as if it’s coming from a tunnel.  Sierra goes mad.  She groans, heaving her ass wildly as the spasms of orgasm rape her nerves.  Sierra knows the man can hear her moan and carry on.  But there’s nothing she can do about covering up her passion.

She’s dimly aware of the incessant squawking coming from the phone.  The full power of her spasms is convulsing her slender body now, making it twist and bounce madly.  Nothing exists.  Nothing matters right now except her climax and that wonderful, hot tongue sloshing in and out of her cunt.  The dog’s stoking her cunt, making it convulse and spasm against its furry mouth.  That wonderful, wonderful animal is raping Sierra with its tongue.

Then she can feel the German shepherd’s forepaws again, pressing against her thighs.  Every touch brings new sensations teasing her senses, driving her yet more insane with feeling.  Sierra groans.  She can feel the dog’s teeth raking along her pussy lips again.  She can feel the animal licking deep into her tight, hot fuck hole while saliva drips down her thighs and ass.

Ahhhhhh,” she moans again.

Her thrashing knocks the cell phone from the pillow.  It hits the floor.  The man’s voice is so far away, but his words got to her.  The comments and the hungry animal have driven her to this.  She’s orgasming hard.  Each hot sting of her climax makes her whimper through her nose like a beast.  Sierra snaps her head from left to right, her long blonde hair tangling around her throat.  It’s so hard to get enough air into her lungs.  It’s so difficult to breathe with the dog licking into her like this.

Ohhhhh, Picard.  Oh, God, it’s so good.  So very good.”

All that cock is dangling there between the dog’s hindquarters.  Sierra can almost feel the dog’s furry sides pressing against her body, its forelegs wrapping around her chest.  She wants to feel the dog hugging her, holding her down while it fucks her.

Ohhhhh, yes, fuck.”

Had that man heard her?  Sierra doesn’t know.  She feels another series of spasms cutting through her cunt like the edge of a rusty razor blade.  Again, she pounds the bed with the backs of her legs, her spine arching while her ass prances madly against the dog’s licking tongue.  Her flesh glistens with beads of sweat while her breasts jiggle atop her heaving chest.  Then Sierra feels something scalding and wet streaking over her legs.  Pushing herself up from the red fog blurring her mind, the girl finds herself staring back at Picard.

Oh, God.”

The dog’s climaxing.  The big German shepherd managed to position itself so that its cock rubbed against one of her legs.  Now the dog’s shooting, its pointy cock sending spurts of grayish jizz splashing onto her flesh.  Again, Sierra finds herself paralyzed with delight and the power of her orgasm.  She watches as the animal shoots spurt after spurt of hot jizz onto her body.  It’s coming out in long, steady streams, spattering against her left leg.

Sierra throws herself back on the bed, finishing her climax.  It rapes and racks her body, sending her up and down like an emotional roller coaster.  Another spasm explodes deep inside her cunt when she thinks she’s through, making her pitch and yowl again.  Sierra just let the fierce beat of orgasm blast through her cunt, setting her mind free.

Oh, if only I could have someone, something fucking me to complete this wonderful feeling,’ she thought as her pleasure took her away.


How long had her climax lasted, Sierra doesn’t know.  Hours, perhaps, have passed.  When she finally re-opens her eyes, the girl finds herself lying crosswise on her bed, her legs dangling over the edge.  She pushes herself up from the mattress, her shoulders and back hurting a little from the tension of her climax.  Sierra shakes the long hair from her eyes, pushing it behind her shoulders and staring around.  How different everything seems, although nothing around her has changed.

The phone still lies on the floor.  The man had ended the call.  Hurriedly Sierra picks it up.  She remembers the cocky assurance that caller made.  He’s going to come over sometime this week and fuck her.  Sierra draws her hands to her upper arms, smoothing away the goosebumps.  He’s a freak, but a freak who knows her and her room.  Again, she gazes at the posters of Justin Bieber on her wall.  ‘He knew about that,’ she thought despairingly.  ‘He knows I became excited by the call too.’

Sierra blushes furiously, realizing again he must have heard her groaning and yelping in the throes of her climax.

Thank fuck he had no idea it was a dog that set me off,’ she thought and sighed.  Then she thinks of the dog in question.

“Picard?” Sierra calls

The teen sits up, blinking her eyes open.  The dog has gone.


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