The Mutiny!

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The Mutiny!
The Mutiny!
Year: 2016
Mark Bligh is the manager of a lady’s clothing boutique called “The Bounty” when new employee Felicity Christian makes a move on his job. She soon discovers the biggest secret of his life (his tiny dick), and makes her move in the most shocking of ways.
Max Swan
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Mark woke with a start, sweat poured from his brow, and fear gripped his heart in an iron claw.  He shook his head, trying to release the lingering emotions from the nightmare he had.  The same recurring dream Mark has had for the last ten years.  Glancing at the alarm clock, he noted, it’s nearly time to rise anyway and decides he may as well.  He sat on the side of the bed momentarily, turning the alarm off, and getting his bearings.  Looking around his messy bedroom in the morning gloom, he sighed.

He said to himself quietly, “Another shitty day in the life of Mark Bligh begins.”

He walked to the bathroom and pulled aside his underwear, reaching for his dick.  The little thing is always hard to wrangle.  However, before long, he started pissing in the bowl.  As the stream finished, he went to tuck himself away to feel his underpants are wet, he had pissed on himself again.  The man sighed and ignored it, flushing, and began his morning rituals.  A shave, followed by a shower, and dressed in clean clothes, he headed to the kitchen to make coffee.

Mark is one who thinks the day doesn’t begin until the first coffee.  The caffeine always perks him up, gives him the energy to get to work at the mall.  As the manager of a woman’s clothing franchise called The Bounty, he knew the day would be busy as the Thanksgiving holidays were fast approaching.  Still, there’s one reason to look forward to the day, tonight is the shop’s annual staff party after closing.  Although he knew his sales assistants weren’t that keen on it, he had stressed to them that attendance is mandatory.

The last action of his morning ritual is to brush his teeth.  Once finished, he looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.  Mark puffed his chest out and sucked his gut in trying to look as good as he could.  He couldn’t hold the pose, and the thirty-two-year-old sagged into his chubby appearance again.  Mark accepted his everyday looks, the man’s merely average looking.  Add to that a plump body and a balding head, he worried a woman might never find him attractive enough to give him a chance.

He had a caring nature and a big heart, yet that didn’t seem enough for women these days.  His biggest flaw is one he kept hidden to many, he has a small dick.  Often the deal-breaker when a woman overlooked his other ugly defects, and by some miracle, he got them into the bedroom.  Mark is depressed, he feels life is passing him by, and nobody cared a scrap about him.  He went to work, hoping his old beat-up car wouldn’t break down on the way.  He didn’t need that hassle again today.


As Mark walked through the mall, many other mall workers’ called out a good morning to him, and he waved back with a friendly smile.  Mark even stopped and chatted with a few, listening as they filled him in on family goings-on or just made small talk about the weather.  Mark often felt as if no one really liked him as he had few friends outside work.  Still, he didn’t seem to see how the other workers at the mall respected and liked him.  It’s often this way for people with depression.

Every morning is the same old routine, open the store, turn on the lights, put out the racks that sat outside, and prepare the float for the till.  Some mornings Mark would meet a truck at the back of the store to receive delivery of the latest fashions, and after he’d enter all the various merchandise into the store’s computer system.  Otherwise, he would do the books, prepare pays, create rosters, and liaise with the franchise headquarters about what they wanted at the store.  While he didn’t find the job fulfilling, it kept him busy.

The truth is that since Mark became manager of the store, its profit has risen by a staggering three hundred percent.  The Bounty PTY LTD is exceptionally pleased with him.  His District Manager, Monica Lange, had taken to using Mark’s store as a model of how to run the franchise at its best.  She had even talked to Head Office about promoting him, and they were agreeable with the idea.  Mark had no knowledge of this, though.  The best part of the job for Mark had been his staff.

As the manager, it came to him to hire salespeople.  As they sold women’s clothing, he hired pretty women to give the store an elegant feeling.  Mark himself never worked in front of the store unless dealing with a customer complaint, something he hated.  Most of his staff ranged from ages twenty to forty-five, as they sold a mixed assortment of women’s clothing and accessories.  The merchandise aimed at the twenty-five to forty-five demographic.  The clothes they sold weren’t high fashion yet weren’t cheap knockoffs either.  The Bounty sells smart casual wear, business wear, and evening attire aimed at their preferred demographic.

He made a fresh pot of coffee and ducked out and brought some pastries for the staff to eat.  Not long after he had opened the store, the first of his sales assistants arrived.  Seeing the crowd already in the mall, he regretted letting his two full-time staff members have holiday leave at Thanksgiving.  Having them around made it easier, as they knew how to run the store.

The part-time salesgirls and the casual staff needed greater supervision and always seemed a tad disrespectful to him.  As the day progressed, they were busy and were selling lots of stock, which made him happy.  The afternoon staff came on, and when Felicity Christian walked into the shop, he suddenly felt uneasy.  Felicity seemed a nice young woman when he hired her.  She’s an attractive brunette, tall and slim with smallish breasts, but legs to die for.  After Felicity had worked at the store for a while, her demeanor changed toward him.  Mark suddenly felt as if the woman was mocking him to other staff and rubbishing his management skills behind his back.

Whenever he felt her steady gaze, he seemed to shrivel inside, as if she could see through his wimpish soul.  His permanent staff didn’t like her and told him she put him down to the other girls behind his back.  Mark knew they were right; a bad apple can ruin store morale.  Still, her derision of him somehow turned him on, too.  He didn’t understand why, but something about Felicity Christian made him horny as hell.


The day went well, and he closed the store just as the pizzas arrive for their little party.  The girls set up the tearoom and made the punch that included rum.  To Mark’s disappointment, none of the other staff showed up for the event, and he and three sales assistants: Felicity, Carrie, and Andrea, were the only attendees.  Felicity poured them all drinks, and he asked them to raise their glasses.

“Well, girls, looks like it’s just us,” he chirped.  “A bit of a waste of food, so take some home with you.  Anyway, thanks for a wonderful year and I wish you a happy holiday season.”

They raised their glasses and drank.

Felicity suddenly asked, “Are we getting a bonus this year?”

Mark shrugs.  “Such things are decided at headquarters, and I haven’t heard anything about it yet,” he said.

Felicity sneered at him.  “A good boss would’ve known by now.”

“If you like, I’ll contact them next week and ask them for you,” Mark said, feeling the sting in her words.

Carrie, a cute blonde with big breasts, suddenly asked, “So do you have a girlfriend, Mark?”

He blushed, and the girls giggled.  “Ah, no,” he mumbled.

Felicity asked, “Are you Gay?”

His head jolted back.  “What?”

“We’ve never seen you with a woman, and you’ve never hit on any of us,” Felicity said with a sly grin.

Mark blushed again.  “I’m not gay!  I don’t hit on you girls because I’m your boss and a gentleman.”

The girls laughed, making his face burn even brighter.  Andrea, a sexy redhead, said, “I’ve seen him looking at our asses when he thinks we can’t see him.”

“Ew,” Felicity said, screwing her nose.  “Are you perving on us?”

“He probably has cameras in the changing booths.  So, he can jerk-off in his office watching our customers undress,” Andrea said, barely hiding her mirth.

Mark’s eyes bulged at the accusation.  “Ladies, I don’t find the tone or content of this conversation appropriate,” he said coldly.

Felicity laughed loudly.  “Oh, calm yourself, Mark.  We’re only teasing you for a bit of fun.  We know there’s no camera’s in the change booths, we checked.”

‘They checked,’ he thought, horrified.  ‘Do these girls really think I’m a pervert?’  Mark said with a deep frown, “Girls, I’m astounded by your cheek.  If you think this is an effective way to talk to your boss, think again.”

Mark suddenly missed the presence of Joanne Fryer, one of his permanent staff who’d become like an unofficial supervisor of the team.  She also mothered him a bit, so he knew she would’ve stopped this nasty talk much better than him.

Felicity came close to him and said, “There’s a reason none of the other girls showed up tonight.”

Mark’s eyes bulged.  “Why?”

Andrea suddenly shouted, “Because none of them like you.”

“What?” Mark said, feeling his heartbeat loudly in his ears.

Felicity smiled at him, a predatory smile.  “It’s true, we all think you’re a loser and a wimp.”

Mark took a deep breath.  “That’s enough,” he said weakly, feeling his head suddenly spin.

“Oh, but it isn’t, the nights just started, Marky-Warky,” she said.

“What the…” He reached out to grab the table to steady himself.  “W-What have you done?”

Felicity laughed, which sounded menacing and frightening to him.  Her face started to move, and to Mark’s horror, her eyes glowed a baleful red.  His legs become wobbly, and the laughter of the three girls echoed around the room.  High-pitched, as if they were three witches cackling.  At this point, he could take no more and passed out.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.