Licorice All Sorts!

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Licorice All Sorts!
Licorice All Sorts!
Year: 2023
After a very disappointing night with a pickup, Lexie is left high and dry. Luckily, her dog Licorice is there to help out.
Sheela B.
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In the front room, Lexie was not thinking about her dog yet.  But she was still kneeling on the floor and, although she didn’t realize it in her despair and frustration, she had assumed a position that was very familiar to a dog, the doggy fucking position.

Lexie had never been fucked by her dog, although she had often wondered what it would be like to have that big, hairy dog cock thundering up her cunt.  But she had coaxed the dumb brute into lapping her pussy many times.  Lexie loved to feel the Great Dane’s big, nimble tongue slapping up her flooded cunt, and to cream on its black muzzle.  In return, she enjoyed jerking the dog off as a reward, a sort of dog yummy.  The woman loved to watch its watery spume hose from his naked red cockhead as her fist skimmed the dog’s cock.  But that was as far as she had carried it up to now.

Now Lexie was kneeling in front of the couch, seething with need, so distraught that she wasn’t even thinking about the willing and available dog.  ‘Fuck that useless prejac,’ she silently cursed.  ‘What a nasty trick to play on a girl.  Shit, I should have at least made the bastard tongue-fuck me,’ she thought.  But it was too late now.  Rick was gone, and anyhow, Lexie was more in the mood for fucking than she was for cunnilingus, which was probably why she hadn’t yet thought about calling for Licorice.

She gazed down at her jizz-drenched tits and belly.  Her cunt felt like a glowing ember between her thighs.  Pussy nectar was pouring out, mixing with Rick’s wasted jizz in her lathered crotch and down her legs.  She considered returning to the singles bar and getting picked up by some other guy, but she knew that would take too much time to suit her at the moment.  The only thing she could do now, she guessed, was to take the immediate pressure off by giving her cunt a good finger-fucking.

Then, partially relieved, she could go out and look for some more cock.

She ran her hands up her belly and cupped her tits, scooping the lathery semen.  She brought her hands to her mouth and lapped the semen like a cat at a cream bowl.  Even delivered by hand, Rick’s jizz was yummy, and she trembled at the thought of gulping a load straight out of its cock.

She dipped a hand into her crotch and rubbed her pussy, then brought it to her lips and lapped up a succulent palmful of blended semen and pussy juice.  She began to change hands, rubbing her pussy with one while she licked the cream from the other, then switching.  Her hand went down to her groin, all slippery with saliva, and came back slathered with semen.  Her pink tongue slid through the frothy cream, and her tastebuds tingled.  Oh, how she wished she had a cock to suck off or even a cunt, come to that.  If her pussy juice was so delicious, Lexie knew she would love to suck some out of another girl’s juicy vagina.

A ripple ran through her crotch.  Waves of rising passion coursed across her slim belly and shot like an electric current up her trembling thighs.  It was time to orgasm now.  Her pussy was already melting as she rubbed it.  She leaned forward, resting her chin on the edge of the couch.  Her fat tits swayed under her like ripe fruit ready to be plucked.  She arched her slender back, hiking her heart-shaped ass to the highest point of her kneeling body.

Licorice’s big head edged around the door.

The Great Dane’s black nose flared and twitched, and its amber eyes gleamed at the sight before it.  The heart-shaped ass was hiked up, and under those firm ass cheeks, Lexie’s pussy was flowing freely.  The dog blinked.  The dog had never seen its mistress in that position before, although it was a familiar one, for it had fucked its share of bitches.

Always before, when she let the dog lap her cunt, Lexie had sat on the couch or in a chair, her ass perched on the edge and her feet extended, spread wide, to the floor.  At the same time, the dog’s busy head worked away at her cunt from the front.  Then, after creaming on the beast’s tongue, she would kneel beside the dog, still facing it, and jack the animal off.  Now, seeing Lexie pose differently, invitingly and provocatively, the doggy whimpered with a new realization.

Lexie was working on her cunt with both hands now toward a creamy conclusion.  Her firm-fleshed ass jerked and shot out from side to side as her hands played under it.  She was slowly pushing three fingers in and out of her cunt in a fucking movement while her other hand caressed her fiery clit.

Unghhh,” she grunted as intense pleasure rippled through her loins.

A spasm caught her, and her pelvis trembled.  Pussy juice was pouring down the insides of her thighs in creamy ribbons.  Her hands were soaking wet with the fragrant seepage.

Licorice approached stealthily, his hindquarters low to the floor as if stalking a rabbit.  However, no rabbit had ever been as juicy and tasty as that steaming pussy toward which the dog crept.  The Great Dane’s head was thrust out, nostrils flaring, drawn to her sweet, musky scent like an iron filing to a magnet.  The dog’s tail swept back and forth behind its haunches like a rudder steering its course.

The dog whimpered, then whined.  But Lexie was not yet aware of the beast’s approach, for she was almost at her peak and panting heavily, blocking out all external sounds.  The Great Dane snuck up to her churning ass, its tongue hanging out and dripping.  The dog sniffed and quivered all over as the redolence of her pussy registered on its bestial senses.  The dog shoved its head out.

Lexie moaned in shock and surprise when the dog’s cold black nose bumped against her hot, pink fuck bud.  Her head jerked up, and she looked back over her shoulder.  The naughty woman smiled when the brunette saw her faithful doggy behind her.  She was in the mood for cock, it was true, but a long, wet doggy tongue was better than her hands.

You wanna finish this job for me, Licorice?” she whispered.  “You wanna lap my pussy off, hmmm?

The dog woofed as if in reply.

Lexie drew both hands out of her crotch and heaved her ass up higher, wriggling.  “Yeah, give me that long, wet tongue, you cuntlapper,” she rasped.  “Lick me till I cum, then I’ll beat your meat for you.”

She still didn’t understand that because of the position she had settled into for her handjob. Licorice would not settle for fucking her fist.

The Great Dane’s head ducked down, ran its flattened tongue up the back of her thigh, then lapped at the cheeks of her ass.  The dog slurped again, tonguing up a slimy ribbon of pussy juice from the inside of her leg.  Lexie squirmed happily under the tongue’s caress.  Placing her open hands on the mounds of her ass, she spread them apart, exposing the brown eye of her shithole.  Licorice whimpered, slurped his tongue up the crack of her ass, and whipped it against her asshole, enjoying a preliminary snack before he got to work on the succulent main course.

Ooooooooo,” Lexie squealed in delight as the dog’s tongue slithered right into her anus.

The Great Dane’s head ducked down, slurping up the crack of her ass again, frothy doggy slobber pouring between her cheeks.  She still had her open hands on her firm ass cheeks, spreading her ass crack open as her pelvis jerked in a wild dance and her hips pumped frantically.  The naughty girl squirmed and writhed with the pleasure of having her asshole tongued out and with the thrill of knowing that big wet tongue would be at her pussy next.

Licorice growled, shot his tongue into her tight brown bud again, then lowered his head.  Lexie jerked her ass and hips upward, her thighs tightening as they lifted her ass cheeks.  More pussy juice had trickled down her legs, and Licorice slurped it with his flashing tongue.  The dog lapped up to the crease where her leg joined her crotch and took a long, moist slurp paralleling her pussy.  Lexie moaned and shot her hips out, and when Licorice shot his tongue out again, he lapped into her sloppy vagina.

Yeah.  Yeah.  Oh, shit.  Give that hot tongue to me, you big beast,” Lexie cried.

Licorice’s tongue slapped into her pussy slit.  Pussy juice sprayed out, soaking the dog’s black muzzle.  The doggy was becoming frantic now that it was at the feast, every nerve and synapse in its burly body registering the thrill of the succulent taste and the fragrant aroma.  The dog ran long, flattened, rippling tongue strokes through her crotch.  The Great Dane’s wet tongue started at her throbbing clit, stirred up through her open pussy lips, and slurped onto the crack of her ass.

Lexie wailed with the joy of it, shaking her ass about as if she were wagging a tail.  She gurgled and moaned as the dog slapped another long stroke to her crotch.  As the dog’s tongue drew up her slit, her pussy lips rippled and dragged, sucking on its tongue meat.  Her clit flared explosively against its tastebuds.

She slid her hands under her belly and opened her cunt even wider with her fingers.  Licorice shot his long tongue deep inside her cunt.  The dog lapped at the creamy inner folds and then began to slam in and out in a fucking motion.  Lexie cried out with the bliss of it.  The Great Dane’s long, fat tongue was stuffing her cunt like a cock.  The animal whimpered and pushed its cold black nose right into her pussy.  The doggy seemed to be trying to bury its whole head into her cunt, to fuck her with its hairy snout.  She ground back against the dog.  Its tongue shot in deeply again, then curled around her hard clit.

She was starting to orgasm. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” she wailed as her body shook.

As her climax neared the crest, the flow from her vagina became hotter and thicker and creamier and even more delicious.  Licorice was frantic as he slurped that steaming hot pussy ejaculate from her melting cunt.  Pussy juice was poured onto the dog’s curled tongue in slimy ribbons, frothy and creamy on the pink meat.  It dripped from the edges of the beast’s tongue and matted the bristly hair of its muzzle.  The dog whined and yelped, lapping for all its worth, swallowing her juices down in greedy gulps and whipping its lapper into her pussy slit to slurp out more of the delicacy.

The Great Dane’s tail switched, and its haunches jerked, and under its trembling loins, the dog’s massive cock was pounding like a jackhammer, longing to replace its tongue in her hot, wet cunt.  The Great Dane’s naked red cockhead was flaring out in a huge angry wedge, and foaming slime bubbled out from its open pisshole, running down the slick shaft.  The Great Dane’s balls were bloated with such a huge load that they threatened to burst.  The animal’s long, thick shaft vibrated like a tuning fork, so taut it could have used it to play a fiddle.

Ahhhhhhhhhh,” Lexie moaned as the crest broke in her loins and the steaming pussy slime flooded the dog’s tongue.

Wave followed wave as the horny girl lingered at the peak.  Then she moaned, and her dark head dropped down onto the couch.  She was past the crest, coming down, the waves still rippling through her pussy, but moving slower, spaced out.  She started twisting, intending to jerk the doggy off now to reward its efforts and because she enjoyed watching the semen squirt out of its cock.

But Licorice kept on lapping merrily away, insatiable and relentless.  The Great Dane’s tongue slurped up the overflow from the insides of her thighs and glided back into her cunt.  ‘Oh wow, shall I cum again?’ she wondered.  With the dog’s tongue slapping into her pussy lips again, it seemed a good idea.  Although she had just gotten her rocks off nicely, Lexie was an insatiable nymphomaniac.  Smiling happily, she settled down to enjoy another tongue-fucking.

But Licorice had a bone to bury now.

With her head resting on the edge of the couch and her slender back deeply arched, Lexie jerked and pumped her ass and hips about while the greedy Great Dane slapped its wet tongue steadily into her wet slit.  The dog lapped away energetically and vigorously.  Pussy juice sprayed out, streaking its hairy black muzzle.  The dog whined and whimpered and growled as it worked at her pussy.  The Great Dane’s big head jerked like a terrier shaking a rat.  Lexie was rising toward the crest again, getting hotter and wetter with every tongue stroke.

The doggy could sense that scent and taste her rising urgency, her smoldering need.  Perhaps, with some bestial instinct, some doggy wisdom inherent in its genes, the brute realized that the girl was in no condition to resist further advances, that all doubts and inhibitions had been melted in the fiery heat of her arousal.  The Great Dane’s tongue wedged into her, plowing her soaking cunt, boring deep into her loins.  Lexie moaned and panted, trembling as the waves began to lash her belly and dart up her thighs.

Suddenly Licorice’s tongue was gone.

Don’t you dare stop,” she wailed, jerking her ass up and looking over her shoulder.

Licorice crouched behind her, his hindquarters lowered, his tail lashing and teeth baring.  For an instant, they gazed into each other’s eyes.  The Great Dane’s amber orbs were glowing like an inferno raging within its skull and looking under the dog. She saw that the swollen head of the dog’s massive cock was glowing even brighter.  That naked red slab looked like an incandescent light bulb on the end of its hairy sheath.

Then Licorice sprang.

The Great Dane’s chest hit her ass, and its front paws wrapped firmly around her hipbones, dragging her back toward the dog.  The dog was mounted on her ass like a gargoyle on a wall, clinging to her haunches tenaciously.  The great lever of its cock stood upright, the underside pressed against the crack of her ass and its tapered cock tip dripping down its hairy stalk.

Holy shit.  The dog wants to fuck me,’ Lexie realized, gasping at the thought.

Licorice’s hind paws scrabbled on the carpet, and his flanks rippled and heaved.  The dog humped, its powerful haunches slamming out and driving its cock against the back of Lexie’s thigh.  She felt the dog’s hot cock bump against her, dribbling pre-cum down her leg.  The brute humped again, missing the target in its frantic attempts.  This time its tapered cockhead rebounded from the cheek of her ass.  The doggy, frustrated by being mounted with its cock still unburied, whimpered.

Lexie realized that even though the Great Dane had clamped itself to her haunches, it would not be able to get its cock up her cunt by itself.  If Licorice were going to fuck her vagina, she would have to help the dog penetrate her.  Otherwise, the dog could only batter away at her ass and the backs of her thighs, its cock angled wrong.

But do I want to help him get his cock in my vagina?’ Lexie wondered, shaking her head and tossing her raven dark hair about.

Letting the doggy lap her pussy wasn’t really very naughty, and jerking the dog off was just fooling around.  However, letting the dumb brute shove its rigid cock into her cunt and fuck away until it spurted its hot doggy jizz into her was depraved, wicked, and degenerate.

Not to mention illegal,’ she thought.

Yet the thought of having that huge, rock-hard dog cock plunging into her cunt was wildly exciting, all the more exciting because it was so wicked.  She knew how the dog’s cock throbbed and pounded in her fist when she was jerking it off and how all that watery, slimy semen came hosing from its pisshole in great spurts.  The horny girl could just imagine what it would feel like to have the dog’s massive cock slamming away into her cunt.  Then, at the wet conclusion, to feel the animal’s steaming dog-jizz flood her vagina.

Undecided, wanting to get fucked by the beast, and yet hesitant to take her depravity to such depths, Lexie gave her ass a shake as if to dislodge the doggy.  But Licorice only clung more firmly to her hipbones and humped again.  This time the dog’s long cock slid between the cheeks of her ass.

Lexie moaned as she felt the naked heat of the dog’s glowing cockhead nudge at the tight brown bud of her asshole and its thick, throbbing stalk pulsate in the crack of her ass.  The Great Dane’s bloated balls pressed into her crotch.  She reached under her belly and cupped its ballsac in her hand, squeezing gently.  She could feel the dog’s hard nuts jiggle inside the hairy bag, and it was so swollen with a load that she thought she could feel the slimy stuff sloshing around in the dog’s balls.  She fondled the dog’s ballsac, and Licorice whined.  The Great Dane’s haunches trembled, and its cock throbbed up the crack of her ass.

The dog pulled back slowly, its cock stalk and naked tapered cock tip sliding down between the cheeks of her ass, towards her crotch.  Lexie shuddered with desire.  Her hips shot out from side to side.  Her weight shifted from one knee to the other, hiking the cheeks of her ass up and down.  Her pussy was smoldering and steaming.  Pussy juice gushed out and ran down her thighs, and her clit throbbed, standing out stiff and taut in the creamy flow.

The dog’s tongue had started the job, and now the randy woman was desperate to orgasm again and longing to have her cunt stuffed full of dog cock.  Lexie slowly smiled.

Fucking hell,’ she thought.  ‘I just got to let this big beast fuck my ass off.’

Her last inhibitions and doubts ebbed away, replaced by pure desire.  If she felt guilty or ashamed afterward, she could cross that bridge when she came to it.  The bridge she wanted to cross now was that rigid red span between her cunt and Licorice’s balls.

Licorice yelped and whined and humped, missing her cunt again, his cockhead sliding through her crotch and squeezing out below her mound.  Lexie stared down past her swinging tits and tense belly and saw the naked red meat of the dog’s cockhead throb in her jet-black bush.  She thought how wonderful it would be to feel that hot slab pounding away in the very depths of her cunt.  Her hand slid up from the dog’s balls and folded around the root of its shaft.

Licorice growled in his throat and stopped humping, standing rigid over her haunches, perhaps realizing that manual assistance would be offered.  The Great Dane’s tail slowly switched from side to side.

You want cunt, boy?” Lexie whispered in a husky voice.  “Mmmm?  Do you want that big cock stuck up a hot, wet bitch?

Licorice yelped with enthusiasm, and his cock bucked in her fist.  Lexie’s hand slid up its cock and caressed its slick red crown.  Pre-cum bubbled from the dog’s pisshole, and she rubbed it into its slippery cock with her thumb.  She brushed her forefinger against the sensitive spot where its cockhead flared out from its shaft, and the thick vein spread into its naked slab.

Lexie was shaking and trembling with expectation, yearning for a cuntful of that massive, iron-hard dog cock, teasing them by delaying that coupling.  Her whole body jerked and wriggled, and her fat tits swayed under her as her ass heaved up and down.  The Great Dane’s paws dug into the hollows in front of her hipbones.  The brute’s long red tongue hung out, and doggy slobber dripped onto Lexie’s jerking ass.

She stroked slowly back on its cock, her fist skimming down toward its balls and skinning the hairy sheath back so that the naked meat of its cockhead flared out in a wide wedge, pre-cum oozing from the cleft.  Her hand cupped the dog’s balls again and caressed them, loving how they ballooned in her palm, longing for the magic moment when the dumb brute emptied its steaming hot load into her cunt.

Slimy ribbons of pre-cum trickled down from the Great Dane’s cock and matted its hairy sack.  Her hand pulled up again, sliding along the slippery, pre-cum-drenched shaft.  She again fingered the dog’s naked slab, and more slime bubbled out.  Lexie enjoyed fondling the beast’s cock and balls, but now she was afraid that the brute might blow its wad too soon before she got that big fucker stuck up her cunt.  It had been bad enough to discover that her pick-up, who had looked like such a talented fuck, had been a prejac.  Lexie didn’t want to risk a repetition with Licorice.

She slid her hand back to the hilt of the dog’s jabbing cock and tightened her grip around the hairy roots.  Tilting her wrist, she jerked the dog’s cock down into her crotch and, at the same time, tilted her ass a bit higher.  The dog’s cock was at the right angle now, and its dripping tapered cock tip was aimed directly at her open vagina.  Licorice stood stiff, panting, his flanks heaving in and out and his amber eyes aglow.  The Great Dane’s cock pounded in her fist, and its cock loomed like the warhead of a guided missile targeted at her juicy vagina.

Lexie shoved her hips back and guided the dog’s cock into her cunt.  She fitted the slimy tip of its cockhead into her open pussy lips.  Licorice yelped and pawed at the carpet.  The Great Dane’s tapered cock tip flared in the entrance of her vagina, and her cuntal muscles sucked and dragged on its naked phallus.  Lexie pulled the dog’s cockhead into her cunt.

Ahhhh.  Oooooooo,”  she moaned when she felt that huge slab of red-hot dog cock filling her cunt.

She turned her wrist, rubbing the dog’s cockhead up and down in her cunt and brushing it against her pulsing clit.  Then she pulled the dog deeper.  The head of the fat wedge of the dog’s naked cock vanished into her slit.  Her pink pussy lips collared the dog’s cock just behind the crown.  With the dog’s cockhead buried, its long, thick shaft stood out like a bolt between them, fixing the dog’s balls to her crotch.

Lexie drew her hand away, knowing that now that the dog’s cock was buried, Licorice would know what to do without further guidance.

The Great Dane’s balls swung slowly in and out, and the folds of her pussy lips caressed its shaft, rippling and pulling, slippery on the sheath.  Pre-cum still trickled down the dog’s shaft, but now that slime was streaked with lashings of pussy juice, matting its bristly stalk and dribbling onto the dog’s balls.  Their mingled juices glistened like quicksilver on the dog’s shaft, drops dripping off and splattering on the carpet.

They held that position for a long moment, only the head of the dog’s cock stuck up her cunt, its long shaft standing out.  Licorice quivered and panted.  The Great Dane’s tail twirled like a propeller.  Lexie was squirming, groaning, and whimpering as she worked her cunt around on the dog’s buried cockhead and waited for the rest of the Great Dane’s enormous cock to slam into her loins.  She twisted her hips, winding her juicy slot around the big slab of cock and rubbing it against her frenzied clit.

Pour it to me, Licorice,” she moaned.  “Oh, shit, pump that cock up my cunt, boy.  I want it.  Give it all to me.  Give me every fucking inch.”

Licorice’s big, muscular body stiffened, his hindquarters tensed, ready to plunge, and his tail flicked up and down.  The Great Dane’s front paws dragged her back by the hips, and with a joyous yelp, it plunged its cock into her cunt.


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