Pet Friendly Services

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Pet Friendly Services
Pet Friendly Services
Year: 2016
Paul gets propositioned in a park by a man looking for someone to have sex with his gay dog, Oscar.
Jack Morningwood
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Paul loves to wander around the park and watch the men trying to score.  The park is great for gay cruising, and if you’re lucky you might get to see some hot action in full public view.  The biggest obstacle he faces in the park is he’s too reserved to approach anyone for sex.  So mostly he wanders around checking out the guys, and hopefully seeing some action he can later jerk-off to at home watching whatever he can video on his phone.  He’s lucky the guys in the park don’t mind being videoed, as some places can turn violent when the voyeurs point their phones at whatever’s happening.

On the first sunny day in early April, the late afternoon landscape is dotted with people eager to lose the last of the winter’s cabin fever.  Paul sits at a picnic table and watches the comings and goings.  A car stops, and the driver opens the door.  Before he can swing out, two tan Boxers bound onto the grass.  They sprint in circles and figure eights, obviously ecstatic for the occasion to romp and play in the park.  The result is a comedy of starts and stops and direction changes as the Boxers tumble about at top speed.  From the woods comes a skinny guy with short, spiky red hair with a golden Labrador on a leash pulling him along.  One of the boxers abruptly stops and stares at the approaching pair for a few moments sniffing the air, then he makes an all-out dash for the guy’s dog.   The boxer’s owner shouts ignored commands and takes off in a sprint to intercept the recalcitrant dog, while the other Boxer carries on sniffing the grass ignoring what’s happening.   The Boxer and Labrador meet in a sudden sniffing match, and to Paul’s surprise, the boxer circles and mounts the Labrador.  The Labrador whimpers, yet doesn’t put up a fight as the boxer plunges his cock into her cunt, and humps away.  By this point, the owners are working hard at trying to separate the two, yet the dogs have their needs to fulfill.

Paul is close enough to lend them a hand, yet he’s enjoying the show, and finds himself laughing at the comedy of two dogs mating, while their owners try in vain to separate them.  Spring, he thinks with a chuckle.  Sex is happening around us, he thinks.  Paul envies the Labrador getting fucked by such a dominant muscular male, and wonders how alpha the boxer’s owner is.  Eventually, the boxer relieves himself into the Labrador and, satisfied, immediately loses interest.  Off he jumps only to be still tied by the knot, and now the two dogs move around as if a milkweed beetle, connected at the hips by a thick cock.  The owners are arguing loudly until with an almighty pull, the Boxer slips free, his scarlet cock still pumping jizz.  The outraged owner of the violated Labrador stomps off in a huff, pulling his dog behind him.  By this point, the naughty boxer finds his way to Paul’s picnic table where he watches the whole incident, and sits contentedly by his feet licking his cock.  The dog’s owner watches the retreating man’s back for a while, then looks for his delinquent dog.  When he spots him by Paul, he slowly trudges over, with the other Boxer at his heel, and he sits opposite with a sigh and a laugh.

“Shit, Lenny, how much more grief are ya gonna cause me today?”

Since Lenny isn’t about to respond, Paul did.  “At least she didn’t demand your name and address.  She can’t sue or send vet bills without those.”

At last the stranger smiles.  “I guess you’re right, and what can you expect from a horny dog in spring?”

The dog’s owner gives the naughty animal another playful scratch on the head.

“Only problem is some ‘horny dogs’ will get arrested if they do it in public,” Paul said.  He’s been studying this guy for a while now and is ready for him.  Why waste time, Paul wonders?

The guy stares at Paul for a moment, with a slight frown.  He asks, “Oh, and what other horny dogs are you referring to?”

“Woof,” Paul said with a slight smile.

The stranger suddenly laughs.  “Dude, I’m not—err—gay.”

Normally, Paul would retreat quickly if a guy who he’s interested in turns out straight.  Not that all straight men are purely heterosexual, some don’t care who sucks their dick, and the handsome stranger didn’t appear offended.  Yet something about this guy—the way he held his body, his confident grin, and his piercing blue-eyes—gives Paul an instant boner.

Before he knows it, Paul’s asks, “Your place or mine?”

His startled look gives way to an even bigger laugh.  He’s eyeing Paul up and down, focusing on his expanding crotch.  There’s hesitation, a tremor in his hands, and the man swallows hard.

With an insolent grin, blue-eyes say, “What part of ‘not gay’ don’t you understand?”

To Paul’s surprise, the man pulls out a pack of cigarettes, pulls one out, and lights it.  Watching the handsome man smoking with his solid jaw and high cheekbones makes the horny queers cock spurt.  The man is watching him squirm, and Paul realizes this situation isn’t new to him.

“I’m Paul,” he says, and holds out his hand.

The man stares at the offered hand and laughs.  “I don’t give a shit,” he said, making Paul pull his hand away.

Paul’s face goes red as his eyes bulge at the rudeness of the stranger.  He’d stand and leave, however, his boner is so acute he couldn’t hide it as he walks away.  In Paul’s mind, this would only further the humiliation the situation is making him feel.  The man sits watching Paul, the insolent grin ever present, as he smokes his cigarette.  The dogs are off playing, chasing each other, sniffing stuff, and roughhousing sometimes.

“Well, this is awkward,” Paul mumbles.

“So you’re a cock smoker, a fudge packer, eh?”

Paul’s eyes bulge at the man’s rudeness.  “Um, that’s none of your business.”

The man laughs loudly, making Paul blush.  “Yeah, it was a moment ago when you were hitting on me.”

“It’s just—”

“Don’t sweat it, dude, I know this park is ‘faggot central’, that’s why I’m here.”

Paul’s head jerks back and he blinds rapidly.  “But you said you’re not gay?”

“No, I’m not, but my dog is.”


“My dog is a fag, and I bring him here for some action.  I mean, this place is usually jumping with cock-hungry guys, like you.”

Paul suddenly laughs.  “This is a joke, right?  Did Tim put you up to this?”

The man shrugs.  “I have no fucking idea who this ‘Tim’ is,” he said.  “So are you interested?”

Hang on, your dog just fucked that Labrador, that’s as straight as they come.”

“That’s ‘Lenny’, he’s not gay, but ‘Oscar’ over there is one-hundred percent fag,” the man said pointing to the Boxer with a bright-pink collar on.  “He didn’t even care a bitch in-heat was nearby.  Didn’t you notice?”

Paul scratches his chin as he looks at the dog.  How come I didn’t notice the pink collar before, he wonders?  This has to be some kind of joke, or worse, a setup.  He looks around to see if he can see anyone lurking nearby in case this man is baiting him so he and his buddies can assault him.  Gay hate crimes are still common these days, even in this supposed age of homosexual acceptance in the west.

Eventually, he said, “I don’t buy it, sorry.”

“I can prove it,” the man said.


His insolent grin deepens.  “Take out your boner, under the table,” he said with a leer.

“You wanna get me arrested for indecent exposure?”

“No one will see ya, not even me.”

“So how does this prove your dog is gay?”

The man leans back and lights another cigarette.  “I bet Oscar will be here in a shot to taste your cock.”

“A bet, eh?  What’s the stakes?”

The man chuckles.  “OK, if Oscar comes over you let him have you, if he doesn’t, I’ll suck you off myself.”

Now Paul laughs.  The idea is absurd in his mind.  “That’s a pretty gay bet for someone who denies they’re a homosexual,” he says, rolling his eyes.

“I’m here for Oscar, and he needs to get laid,” the man said evenly.

Paul looks around and sees no one is nearby, so he decides to participate in this stranger’s game.  Some guys will go to any length to deny their homosexuality, he thinks.  Using a dog for an excuse to suck cock is new, I’ll give him that.  He shifts in his seat and undoes his fly, reaching into his pants he pulls his eight-inch cock free, making it jut from his waist.  All pink and creamy looking, the big helmet-shaped head a dusky purple color.  He can feel the cool-breeze embrace his exposed cock, taking the scent of his sex to noses powerful enough to distinguish the smell.  Blue-eyes stare at the dogs playing in silence, waiting for some reaction.  He smokes, and Paul feels his nerve tingle at the prospect of getting caught.  Suddenly, the Boxer with the pink collar lifts his head, and sniffs.  He turns and starts coming toward them.

Oh god, Paul thinks, wondering what he should do.  If the dog is gay, as the man claims, then does he really want this.  Doubts grip Paul in vice, making him suddenly feel harder to breathe.  The dog doesn’t miss a beat, it goes under the table and before long Paul feels his cold, wet nose press against his hot man boner.

“Oh, fuck,” Paul says in a low voice and a grimace.

See, I told you.  Oscar is a fag,” the man said triumphantly.

As Paul is about to reply, he feels the dog’s course, wet tongue licks the length of his cock, then continuing to lathe his member with relentless precision.  His body jerks, and he grabs the table with both hands, eyes bulging.  The dogs tongue slithers all over his engorged cock, sending such pleasure through his body, he gritted his teeth in concentration.  Lenny, the other Boxer, comes wandering over and sniffs at Paul’s throbbing cock, and he too starts to lick it.  Two dogs, licking and slobbering all over his hard cock, beneath a picnic table in the park, as their owner casually sits opposite looking at his phone.  The pressure and friction on Paul’s cock is making his body quiver and grunts of pleasure escape his lips.  Part of him is screaming for him to get up and run, another part is keeping him firmly rooted in place.  Suddenly, he feels his balls tighten, his body tenses, his breathing is hard, and clenching his eyes tight, Paul cums.  Ropey strands of semen shoot into the dog’s eager mouths and they eat it as if it’s candy.  They keep licking his pulsating cock until every drop has been extracted, and once his member becomes too sensitive for the relentless tongues, he puts back into his pants.  Paul leans forward, resting his head on his arms as he tries to catch his breath.

“I’m told they give great head,” the man said.  “Do you agree?”

Paul moans, “Omigod, what did I just do?”

The man laughs.  “So, Oscar needs a fuck, and Lenny will probably do you too.  Are you interested?”

Paul sits up, his face still reddish.  “But it’s wrong.”

The man shrugs.  “It’s just anal sex, I thought that’s your thing?”

“But with a dog?”

“A ‘dicks a dick’, as a guy I know says,” the stranger says.  “What does it matter who’s it is?”

“Really?”  Paul rolls his eyes.  “So I suppose you’d fuck a bitch dog because a ‘pussy’s a pussy’?”

“I sure would, dog pussy is fucking hot,” the man says evenly, looking Paul in the eyes.

“This is the weirdest day of my life so far,” Paul said, and sighs.

“But you’re not leaving, so you must be interested.”


“Come on, my cars just over there.  You can do it at my place so I can watch.”

The man stands, and to Paul’s disconnected amazement, so does he.  They walk to the car and the dogs jump in the back as Paul sits in the front passenger seat.  Not long after, the car pulls away with Paul wondering what he’s gotten himself into.


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