The Clean-Up Man!

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The Clean-Up Man!
The Clean-Up Man!
Year: 2017
He cleans the office, he cleans the house, and he also cleans his wife’s pussy after his black boss and friends have used it. This is the story of how Ryan’s wife turned him into a little dick cuckold.
Max Swan
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Ryan Baker (Ry-Ry) and Abigail married a year ago.  Her name is Abigail, and she’s more than the woman of his dreams, she’s the goddess he never expected to be the lucky husband of.  Abigail was a virgin on their wedding night, so she claimed.  Ryan tried to have sex twice prior to meeting Abigail.  His first was in high school, and the other college.  Both attempts ended in failure primarily due to premature ejaculation.

He actually penetrated both women, even though they asked him, “Is it in, yet?“.

When he told them he was inside them, they laughed at him, as they honestly couldn’t feel a thing.  His cock is only three and three-quarter inches erect (bone pressed, he can just reach four inches), with a four inch erect girth, so he has a real pencil dick.  Which is the main reason he was so sexually inexperienced when he met Abigail.  A man in his late twenties, six feet, skinny, with black hair and brown eyes.  Ryan isn’t handsome, so much as average-looking, not ugly, just an everyday white guy.  His small penis always held him back with women, he lacked real confidence so he chose to stay single, so he didn’t have to go through the embarrassment of having a woman laugh at his pathetic and useless manhood.

Then he met Abigail, a woman who said she was saving herself for marriage, and hadn’t had intercourse with a man.  This made Ryan feel great, because it meant he could get to know her well before they had to have sex.  Abigail is a sexy woman, mid-twenties when they met, with a curvy thick body (not overweight, just a bigger frame), big tits, and dyed blonde hair.

She always said when asks about her hair, “Blondes have more fun.”

Then giggled, yet she never quite explained what kind of fun she meant.  Ryan didn’t mind, he couldn’t believe his luck he’s got such a sexy woman to love him.  The day before they got engaged, he told Abigail of his issue, and his failures at sex with other women.

She put her arm around him gently, and said, “Ry-Ry, I love you.  That’s all that matters, I don’t care about your dick size, I care about you.”

They kissed passionately, and she makes him feel like a king.  He popped the question the very next day, and she said yes.  The wedding is a beautiful event, and Ryan has to say, the best day of his life.  Abigail looked amazing in her wedding dress, and their families and friends were delighted by the pairing.  His family was beginning to wonder if he’d ever marry a woman, and so enjoyed the big day.

On their wedding night, they make love for the first time.  Ryan’s premature ejaculation problem still persists, for marriage isn’t a magic wand.  However, he’s pleased that Abigail enjoys oral sex and spent much of the night eating her juicy cunt, and making her cum many times.  He manages to shoot off his small load several times too, and she nicely said his dick feels nice inside her.  This is how he spends most of his nights during their honeymoon that lasted three weeks, eating her juicy cunt until she squeals, and sometimes sprays him with her own ejaculate.  He finger fucks her and sucks her clit, and she loves it.  Then he’d climb on her and slide his slimy dick into her and pump for ten-seconds and cum.  She’d soon be pushing his head back down to eat her out again, making him eat his own semen from her trimmed pussy.

Some men would feel emasculated to be turned into pussy-eater on their honeymoon, however, Ryan is happy that even with his problem, they’ve found a way to enjoy each other.  He feels so pleased he can make her cum so hard with his mouth and fingers, while she’s still gracious enough to get him off too.  This is how it began for Ryan and Abigail, and they seemed happy for a good while with the arrangement.  Things started to get bad when Ryan had a problem at work.


His employer is bought out and he’s transferred to another department as part of a reorganization.  He’s an accountant, and starts work on a complex audit of another department in the company.  One day, his new boss accuses him of creating a potentially disastrous problem that would’ve cost the company millions if he hadn’t discovered it.  Ryan is unsure if the problem exists or not, as he hadn’t finished the report yet, however, the new boss is outraged and fires him on the spot.  He advised Ryan not to ask the company for reference, as he’  have to tell potential employers of his incompetence.  He even put a note in Ryan’s personnel file for  the company not to send one out.  Without a reference, Ryan can never become an account with a big firm again.  He’s extremely despondent when he reaches home, and breaks the news to Abigail.  She takes it much better than he expected.

“You’ll find something, Ry-Ry,” she said while hugging him.

“What’ll we do for money?” Ryan asks.

“I can go back to work, and you can look after the house,” she said with a smile.

“But it’s the man’s job to be the provider,” he said, staring at his feet.

“Don’t be silly,” Abigail said, raising an eyebrow and giving him a glassy stare.  “This is the twenty-first century, Ry-Ry.  Plenty of guys are house husbands while their wives work.”

Ryan knows she’s right, yet something about being the breadwinner helped ease his small penis anxiety, and she knows it too.  Ever since she started making him wear a big strap-on dildo to fuck her with, he has felt less confident in the bedroom.

“Ry-Ry, I’ve been wanting to get back to work anyway,” she said, clasping her hand.  “It’ll be good to pay off most of the mortgage before we have kids, right?”

“Yeah, I spose.”

“You’ll find another job,” she said.  “I promise.”

“Where are you gonna work?” he asks her.

“My old firm keeps hassling me to come back.  You know, the office supplies wholesale company.  You met the owner, Tyler, at our wedding.  Remember?” she said.  “So I’ll call Tyler and accept, if it’s OK with you?”

He shrugs glumly, remembering Tyler at his wedding, a tall, handsome black man who radiated machismo and charm.  Ryan remembers feeling intimidated by the sight of the powerful black man.  “I don’t know, I mean give me some time to at least try to find another job.”

“Don’t be stupid, we have bills to pay.  I’ll go call them now,” she said, and leaves him wondering why she called him ‘boy’.

She comes back in ten minutes, a big smile on her face.  “I’m hired!”

“Just like that?”

“Yep, they really missed me there,” she said, her eyes glowing.

Abigail had been the office administrator at the firm she worked for prior to them getting married, she only left because Ryan insisted.  He always felt intimidated by her coworkers who were mostly black guys.

“I don’t want you to work,” Ryan suddenly said.  “I forbid it!”

He turns, and enters the living room not wanting to discuss it any further.  He is the man of the house, and so he’ll be the one to work.

Abigail suddenly straddles his back, holding him pinned beneath her, and whispers menacingly into his ear, “I’m taking that job, Ryan, whether you like it or not.”

He bucks and struggles with all his might to unseat her, however, it’s hopeless.  She’s too strong for him, making him feel even more emasculated.  He feels her hand go beneath him and undo his belt, and the clasp of his pants.

“You don’t wear the pants in the family anymore,” she said mockingly.

Ryan feels his pants slip down and pounds his legs as if in a temper tantrum, however, she merely tosses them aside and removes his socks and shoes.  Instead of undoing his shirt, she rips it off him, sending buttons flying, leaving him helpless, winded, and only in his jockey shorts.  She releases his arm and gets off him, however, his freedom is short-lived. Abigail places a strong hand under his neck, draws him into a choke hold, and looks at him with fire in her eyes.

“I don’t mean to hurt you, Ry-Ry, however, but I think it’s time I take control of things around here.”

She guides him to the couch, and after she sits, she pulls him onto his back, so his buttocks are on her lap.  Ryan is speechless, and he stares helplessly at the ceiling.  Abigail blocks him from sitting up, by putting a strong forearm across his chest, and immobilizing his legs by trapping them in a scissors hold with her muscular thighs.  Abigail works out four times a week, unlike Ryan, who’s a skinny/weedy guy who barely weighs ninety pounds.  Suddenly, he feels her free hand grab his underpants and quickly pull them over his small penis.  The shock of being totally dominated by his formerly demure wife in no way equals the humiliation he feels as she glares mockingly at  his three-quarter-inch flaccid dick.

She has to release her scissors hold to push his underwear the rest of the way down his legs, and he thought it might be his opportunity to escape, so he kicks and bucks with all his might until she catches him within the grasp of her legs again and holds him.

“I like it when you fight, Ry-Ry,” she said with  smirk.  “It turns me on.”

“Please, Abigail,” he said weakly.  “Let’s just forget I ever said anything.  If you wanna work back at your old firm, then fine.  I’m on board.”

“I’m sorry, Ry-Ry, but your sexist attitude has pissed me off,” Abigail said, holding him tightly.  “You want to be the man of the house, but we both know why you can never be that.”

He can’t believe his predicament, naked, conquered, and totally exposed, he lies bent over backward with his tiny penis sticking less than and an inch in the air.

“Why can’t I be?” he asks in a whiny voice.

Ryan sees a smile form on Abigail’s face as she looks at his vulnerable cock and balls, then he feels her part his thighs, and re-clamp them painfully in hers.  He gasps.

“You have such a tiny penis, Ry-Ry,” she said, staring at his forlorn flaccid nub with a sneer.  “This is why you can never be the ‘man’ of the house.”

“Please, Abigail, don’t do this, I’m begging you.”

His pleading fell on deaf ears as she took his small member between her two fingers and began to twist it around in a circle.

Awwwww, you always like it when I play with your teeny-peenie in bed,” she said sarcastically.  “You even try to fuck me with it, eh?”  She laughs coldly.  “Luckily I have a big vibrator, eh?”

Please, Abigail, DON”T!

“Look, you even have tiny testicles.  They’re so cute.”

Grabbing and squeezing his ball sac, she made him see stars, causing him to shriek with pain.  She laughs again.  Ryan is gob smacked, she’s never acted this way before in all the time they’ve been married.

“I’m begging you, Abigail.  Let me go.  Don’t do this, please.”

“Why?  I’m enjoying himself,” she said, rolling her eyes.  Again she squeezes his balls, and asks coldly, “Aren’t you?

“Please let go, it hurts,” he whines.

“I think not, Ry-Ry.”

Suddenly, he’s twisted over, so his chest is now on the couch with his arm again held behind him, and his ass in the air above her lap.  He’s totally defenseless, and completely exposed to angry wife.  When he feels her warm fingers separate his ass cheeks, while her other hand strokes and squeezes his balls, he panics.

Abigail!  What are you doing?

“You have such a cute, bot-bot,” she said.

“Stop that!”

When he feels her finger circle his puckered anus, he gasps loudly.  Surely she won’t do this, he thought  However, slowly she inserts her index finger through his tight, clenching ring until it’s totally inside him, causing him to cry out in shock.

Oh God—Please, Abigail—I can’t take it,” he groans.

She removes her finger long enough to give him a hard slap across his bare ass sending a shock wave through his body.

Oh, hush, ya big baby,” she said coldly, and she reinserts her finger while her other hand is roughly kneading and massaging his cock and balls.

She repeatedly runs her hand over his crotch, as she continues to thrust her finger into his ass.  Ryan starts feeling dizzy, and his breathing get heavier as this two prong attack is bending him to her will.  He reaches his fully erect three and three quarter inches as his ass rises to meet her finger each time it plunged into him.  With his face buried in the cushion of the couch, all he can do is moan as she ravages his aching cock and ass.  He’s losing all control, and finally his cock gushes semen across her lap, and onto the couch.

“Oh, Ry-Ry,” she groans, shaking her head slowly.  “You always were a minute man.”  Her laughter is ugly, and it bites Ryan soul, making him feel shame, even while he’s cumming.  “I guess even a minute is stretching it,” she adds, and laughs again.

Ryan is wracked with spasms until he ejaculates the last of his pathetic load, and lay spent, still totally exposed to his now dominant wife.  Just as he’s regaining his breath, and thought this nightmare had ended, Abigail isn’t finished with him yet.  She tosses him onto the floor and he lies there breathing heavily.

Standing, she said, “Look at what that tiny boy-dick did to my dress.  You got your nasty cummies all over it.”

“You made me do that,” Ryan pants.

“Looks like I’ll have to put it in the wash,” she said with an insolent glint in her eyes.  “For my house bitch to do later.”

He watches as she pulls the dress over her head, exposing her ripe, perfectly round breasts punctuated by protruding pink nipples.  He’s mesmerized by their beauty and can’t tear his eyes away until her hands go to the waistband of her panties and slowly moves them over her tanned thighs.  She pushes her silk panties down her legs, and sensuously moves to straddle his head.  Ryan can only stare at the mostly bare, fat pussy lips as she slowly lowers her body just inches from his face.  He tries at the last minute to turn his head, however, she grabs his cheeks between her strong fingers, preventing him from turning away.  She moves her pussy to where it’s actually touching his nose, and he can actually smell the strong scent of her cunt.

“The only use you have, Ry-Ry,” she said.  “Is to eat pussy, not to fuck it, but to eat it like a bitch,” she said mockingly.  I married  a bitch, didn’t I?


SAY IT!” Abigail shouts.  “What did I marry?”

Ryan gasps, his body trembles.  He whispers, “A b-b-bitch?


“A bitch.” she shouts.

“I can’t hear you.”


She pinches his nipples roughly. “Good, bitch,” she said.  “Now, do the only thing God made you for, worshipping pussy with your mouth.”

He gingerly sticks out his tongue and gently licks Abigail’s musky cunt.  He feels totally degraded, not because of the cunnilingus, as he’s done this many, many times, it’s more than that.  This whole series of events, from getting fired, to Abigail wanting to work, then she is attacking him and doing all this to him.  For the first time in his life, he feels the act of cunnilingus on Abigail is demeaning him.  In the past, it gave him great joy to know he can make her cum hard with his mouth.  Now, it just seems to highlight the untenable fact that he’s forced to eat her cunt because his puny cock can’t make her cum at all.  He licks her outer lips, and  forces his tongue deeply into her, not only her juicy cunt, also her anus.  For half an hour she rocks on his face and uses him over, and over, to satisfy her filthy cravings, sending her juices into his mouth and forcing him to swallow them.

When she finally gets off him, after her fourth orgasm, his face is sore, red, and covered from top to bottom in her slimy, foamy juices. He’s nearly in tears, thinking of how she has demoted him from husband to house bitch.  She really does wear the pants in the family now, and his days of being the man of the house are over.  He doesn’t know what that means for the future, and sighs deeply, his face turning ashen as he contemplates his uncertain future.  Abigail looks at his broken expression, and smiles.

“Cheer up, Ry-Ry,” she said almost cheerfully.  Now you know your place in this marriage, you’ll find things’ll really get better from here.”

“Are you going to divorce me?” Ryan asks, his chin shaking as if he’s going to sob any moment.

“Oh, God, no,” Abigail said, and laughs.  “But things will change, things will change.”

“Like, how?”

“I don’t know yet,” she said, looking up thoughtfully.  “We’ll just have to play it by ear.  Besides, I’m back at work tomorrow, so that’s gonna be my main focus for now.”

“Yes, dear,” he said weakly, still lying naked on the floor.

“Now get up and make dinner, I’m hungry,” she said.

As he gets to his feet, he says, “I’ll just go wash and put some clothes on.”

NO!” she says firmly.  “Stay as you are.”

She leaves the room, leaving him watching her with mouth wide open and eyes bulging.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.