The Abandoned Warehouse

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The Abandoned Warehouse
The Abandoned Warehouse
Year: 2017
A desperate MILF goes to a squat to try to talk her junkie daughter into going into rehab when she stumbles onto a crime that leads to some drug dealers forcing her and her daughter to fuck a dog.
Moe Lester
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Claire sits quietly on the edge of the old wooden crate.  Her legs dangled limply toward the floor as she crosses her arms in front of her tits and shivers in the cool air of the room.  Gooseflesh dots her flesh as she watches Mo grab some more rope and swing it in the air with a big smirk on his face.

“What are you doing?” Claire asks nervously.

“Whadaya think?” Mo slurs.  “Slide over,” he orders, indicating with his right hand the position he wants Claire to take.

The blonde MILF follows directions reluctantly, bringing up her legs until her knees press against her tits, then swiveling around on her bare ass until she’s facing the leering man.  Mo reaches over and forces the blonde to scoot down.  When her ass is nearly hanging over the front edge of the crate, Mo moves quickly and starts tying her legs in place so she can’t move them.  In a few seconds, Claire’s bare ass rolls up, exposing her dripping pussy to the air.

“This is for the mutt,” Mo said as Roach holds the impatient Doberman.

Oh God, NO,” Claire moans as her fingers claw along the rough surface of the crate.

Her titties lie in two fleshy puddles on top of her chest as she hears the big dog’s claws patter nervously over the concrete floor.

“Get him up,” Mo said.

“Come on, boy, come on,” Roach said in a strained voice as the room is filled with the big animal’s growls and whimpers.

“One look at her pussy and he’ll mount her quick smart,” Mo said sarcastically, placing his big hands on his hips.

Claire cranes her neck up, looking between her widely spread and raises legs.  In an instant she sees the black eyes of the Doberman rising above the surface of the crate.  They blaze first with anger at getting handled this way by Roach.  Then the look changes, first to surprise, then to lustful fury as he sees the dark-red, wet slit facing him, inviting his cock to enter forcefully.

“Shit!  Told you so,” Mo said as the Doberman’s hindquarters work wildly on the floor.

He’s trying to scoot up to the crate as best he can.  Roach holds on tightly, pulling the big animal up until the Doberman stands right between her legs.

Ohhhh,” Claire moans.

She lowers her head and sucks in a ragged breath as she feels the crate vibrate beneath the big dog’s movements.  He moves forward cautiously, while Claire’s nervous trembling excites the Doberman.  His thick, knobby cock had never fully receded into his furry sheath while the humans talked.  Yet, it swells again, poking its wormy, red pointed tip out of the hairy sheath as his breathing becomes heavier and more irregular.  His big, black nostrils flare with growing excitement as his cock throbs in time to his heartbeat.  Claire raises her head again a few inches off the crate.  She can see the animal’s stiffening, widening cock better now than she could when she was tied to the crate on the floor earlier.  The red cock is growing longer and longer, much longer than the blonde MILF can believe.

She’s never guessed a dog can have such a big dick like the one she is looking at now.  The surface is dark red at the tip, turning to a pinkish orange at the base of the shaft  Its shape is like an irregular cone, the surface broken by large, rolling swells of hard hot animal flesh.  Blue veins crisscrossed just barely beneath the tightly pulls dick skin, and at the fat root of ugly thing are two furry balls pulled tightly against the base.  The woman gasps, her eyes bulging and her face flushing as the Doberman moves carefully forward toward her upturned pussy.  He sniffs once more at the wet, hairy gash.  Claire can tell he’s excited by the powerful aroma of her cunt juice mixed with his spittle.  She watches him bend his head down low, take a large sniff, then pulls his head away again and move forward.  In an instant, the animal’s big forepaws are press tightly against Claire’s raised thighs.

The woman shudders, clawing the wooden surface of the crate harder until she thought she’d rip her fingernails off.  The flesh on her thighs crawls with forbidden excitement as the bristling hairs of the Doberman rake across her soft, smooth skin.  With a quick leaping movement the large black dog jumps forward, driving the sharp claws of his powerful forepaws into the skin of Claire’s belly.

“OOH—GOD!” she shouts.

She turns her face away from the drooling animal and gasping for breath.  It feels as if two sharp spears are pressed hard against her stomach, digging into the tender flesh as they drive the air from her lungs.

“Go, bitch,” Mo groans.

Claire yells as she feels the heavy, clawing forepaws slide up her belly toward her tits.  The soft pads at the end of the Doberman’s forelegs chill her flesh while the claws leave a red trail of scraped skin.

Oh no, oh God in heaven, no,” Claire moans, throwing her head from side to side as she is flooded with conflicting desires.

She hates herself for the lust she feels deep in her pussy.  Part of the struggling blonde MILF wants to kick the dog away, while the other, stronger half, enjoys the itchy, unsticking feeling her pussy lips makes as they engorge with blood and pull back with excitement.

Gowon, take it, biatch,” Mo said, his words slurring into one another as he takes another snort of coke.

The three men sway uneasily back and forth, rocking drunkenly on their heels as they watch the big Doberman towering over the helpless MILF.  The animal’s huge paws seem to cover more than half her belly as the dog throws back his head and let out a loud, low-pitched yelp of triumph.  Claire shudders, letting out a choked sob mixed with unspeakable excitement.  She can feel the big animal trembling on top of her, his hindquarters move nervously on the floor at the end of the crate.  Then the dog’s forepaws move up, pushing into her sweaty skin, clawing at the blonde MILF’s heaving chest.  The Doberman lowers his head, and a long string of translucent drool hangs down from the right side of his powerful jaws.

NOOOOOOO,” Claire shouts, her voice cracks with mixed emotions as she feels the hindquarters of the trembling dog sliding closer and closer toward her upturned ass cheeks.

Claire jerks her head until she can see the animal’s huge, pointed, drooling red knobby cock.  The big dog cock is throbbing with passion and tension, beating against the animal’s muscular belly as oily drops of doggie precum ooze out of the tiny piss-slit.  The short fur on the dog’s hind legs tickles the back of Claire’s upturned legs as he positions himself for the initial entry.

“Farckher, dog,” Mo slurs.

“Gowon, blast her cunt,” Ray-Ray cheers.

“Hey, bitch, wanna suck my cock while you take him in your pussy?” Roach said, his cock out hanging limply about five inches long while he tries vainly to stroke it hard.  “C’mon, cock, do ya thing.  Fuckin’ coke.”

Claire struggles beneath the big dog, and she feels his body lowering on top of hers.  Simultaneously, the Doberman’s muscular black hindquarters descend, bringing the tip of his hot dick within inches of the grunting blonde MILF’s pussy.  Claire jerks her head higher, opening her eyes as wide as she can.  Her head is almost even with the Doberman’s now and she can see his jerking cock sliding forward in tiny hunches.  Already the big dog starts his fucking rhythm.  Cold sweat forms again on her forehead, trickling down into her eyes as knotty spear shoots forward.

UHHHHAHHHH!” Claire shouts, throwing her head down quickly and letting out a series of choking, gurgling groans.

The big dog has finally pierced her cunt with one powerful thrust he slams into the woman’s cunt, peeling back her pussy lips with his cock and sinking the first few inches of his cock into her.

No!  Oh God, don’t let it be true!  Oh God in heaven, don’t let it be true,” Claire shouts over and over again in a choked, low voice as she rolls her head back and forth on the crate’s surface.

The cords stand out in her neck as her facial muscles pull down with the tension she feels freezing her mind.  Her fingers rip at the wooden surface, clawing at the roughness as she feels the animal’s hot, wet cock jerking into her deeper and deeper.  The woman’s belly contracts then spasm as she chokes on her own spit.  A bitter, sour taste of bile invades Claire’s mouth as she tries to keep from retching on the table.

“Take it easy, bitch,” Roach said stepping close to her head and rubbing his soft cock on her cheek.  “You sure didn’t mind it when the dog was eating your cunt out a moment ago.”

Oh God, God,” Claire repeated almost insanely as she feels her cuntal wails getting stretched further and further apart by the invading dog cock, getting shaped into a cone-like tunnel for the pointed cock.

“C’mon, suck my cock,” Roach said.  “Show me you can do it better than your daughter.  Show me your husband was wrong to choose her over you.”

The words hit Claire as if a sledgehammer was smashing her brain to mush, and without even thinking she opened her mouth and took Roach’s flaccid, sour tasting cock into her mouth.  She rolls his soft cock in her mouth, tasting the slime of his precum dribble out, then sucks and licks the member with all she’s got.

Meanwhile, the animal’s hot, rancid wet breath blows across her face, filling her flared nostrils as he growls with satisfaction.  Claire moans helplessly, sucking the cock in her mouth and feeling it ever so slowly grow hard, and feeling the huge dog phallus stretch her cunt mercilessly as it pounds into her.  She knows it is useless.  The animal growls louder, lowering his head and opening his jaws as he squats lower, driving his dick more and more into her.  Claire’s terrified he’ll start chewing at her tits, yet having to suck Roach’s stiffening cock keeps her so she has to watch the dog fuck her hard.  The big Doberman opens his jaws, sticking out his tongue and lapping slowly at the woman’s jiggling tits.  He slurps at her nipples, working on the red half-dollar sized areolas until they start to stiffen in spite of Claire’s mental resistance.  Simultaneously, he swivels his loins in tiny circles, screwing in his cock more quickly.  Claire thrills at the sensation of his knot protruding from the cone-shaped dick bumping against her swelling labia.  Without realizing it Claire is rocking her ass, rolling it left to right as she involuntarily helped the big Doberman fucking her.

“Told ya she’d like it,” Mo said.

“Fuck, she sure can suck cock,” Roach said.  “She’s even getting me hard.”

Mmm—Mmm—Mmm,” the blonde MILF moans with each inward thrust of the animal’s groin around Roach’s now hard cock.

Claire can feel the big Doberman’s tongue slathering her swaying tits, bathing them in a thick, greasy layer of his spittle as he humped and jerks more irregularly and quickly with each passing second.  Claire feels her body ballooning up with passionate tension as two cocks fuck into her now.  Her belly ripples with lust, contracting with nervous sexuality every time the big animal’s furry chest lowers and touched her flesh.  Her lips go numb from the friction of Roach face fucking her as he did Julia.  She bounces her upturned legs frantically against the dog’s hunching sides as she tries to get the maximum amount of friction against her clit.

Claire moans as she feels the Doberman’s belly slide against her clit and pushes the nubbin down into the hot flesh surrounding it.  She can feel the dog’s short, prickly fur surrounding the base of his dick tickling her peeled back, stretches outer pussy lips now.  He’s buried the full length of his dick in her, knot and all.  His balls squash themselves against her upturned ass as the Doberman whines and growls his way to orgasm.  Almost involuntarily, Claire squeezes her cuntal muscles together, trapping the frantic animal’s cock inside her pussy.  The dog’s sleek body shudders as the blonde MILF’s hot, wet cunt walls grips his dick.  Claire managed to bounce her thighs up and down, rolling them faster from side to side as she feels her clit rubbing up to an explosive heat.

Ooooo—Fuck,” Roach suddenly groans, as he starts shooting in her mouth then pulls out and sprays her face with his sticky hot semen.  “Damn, this woman has skills.”

Feeling the former shame and revulsion has torn at her mind slowly disappearing, she is on fire.  Her pussy is a hot, messy glob of sputtering sexuality, stirred hotter and hotter by big Doberman’s spearing dick.  The blonde MILF’s belly heaves wildly as she gasps for breath and bounces her full, rounded ass cheeks frantically around the wooden surface of the crate.  Claire pulls her arms up and locks her fingers around the back of the Doberman’s powerful neck.  She moves her hands slowly up and down the hot sweaty short fur of the big dog, groaning with unspeakable pleasure as she feels the tiny hairs tickling the skin just beneath her fingernails.  She pulls the big, fucking animal down closer to her like a lover, rubbing her belly and chest against him as she feels her cunt beginning to roar with climax.

OHHHH—I’M CUMMING,” Claire shouts, shutting her eyelids tightly and rolling her head wildly back and forth on the top of the crate.

Her nostrils flared as she sucks in air. Her lips open, but no sound comes out of her twists mouth.  The cords stand out of her neck as Claire digs her fingernails into the Doberman’s black, slick sides and bounces her knees hard off the big dog’s hindquarters.  She is cumming, shooting off in front of these doped-up drug dealers and her daughter with a dog.  The stiff hairs on the end of his peeled back sheath tickled her sensitive outer labia to a higher and higher plane of sexual awareness as her clit throbs and beat out a wild rhythm of tearing orgasm.

The dog stops, still panting wildly and drooling, his cock buried inside the MILF’s stretched to the maximum cunt.  His knot rubbing on her g-spot is keeping her orgasms tricking over.  She feels his hot cum pump into her, filling her belly with a new warmth as it floods and expands her womb.  The Doberman is still for a minute then suddenly jumps off her, his knot pulls free of her gripping pussy lips, making Claire screams in pain as it pops out of her.  She feels an aching emptiness now the hot cock is gone and her gaping red cunt is dripping dog cum.

“Motherfucker, he gave it to her good,” Mo said coolly watching dog cum drip from her creampie.


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