Hot Dog & Pussy

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Hot Dog & Pussy
Hot Dog & Pussy
Year: 2017
Lori is hired to mind a neighbors Dog Kennel while she’s away on holidays and she gets so much dog cock the poor girl cannot think.
Moe Lester
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The sun is up, and so is Dana Briggs.  She has no choice.  She has five hungry purebred dogs to feed, a kennel to set in order and a plane to catch at noon.

Dana is going to take a well-deserved vacation in the Bahamas.  She’s looking forward to a long rest in the sun and the sand.  However, she’ll miss her canine charges, and a little ache inside tells the woman this when the dogs bark eagerly as she enters their compound.

Except for the big German shepherd, Paz, and the smaller shepherd calls Dasher, the dogs belong to owners who are away for some reason.  However, Dana loves them all as dearly as if they were her own.  It’s always hard for her to sell a dog.  Though some have tried to buy Paz, she has put off parting with the dog.  Paz is her favorite.   Dana has trained the dog well.

“Good morning, my beauties.  Who wants to take a run first?”

She goes along the row of cages, greeting each animal in turn.  First Paz, then a black Labrador called Iggy, then Lover, an energetic Doberman pinscher; Missy, a sweet female Doberman; and Dasher.  She releases Paz and Iggy and leads them to the run.  When they’re safely inside, she turns her attention to hosing their cages.  The sun is climbing slowly in the sky.  Dana’s stomach churns, and she blows a series of short breaths to gain control; there isn’t much time left. She puts a leash on Paz.

“Come on, handsome.  You’re coming with me.”

The coal-black shepherd trots happily by her side as she goes back to her sprawling ranch-style home.  Dana’s office is at the back of the house.  Her office is like a large comfortable den with a stuffed leather couch and chairs, a bar, and walls covered with pictures of prize dogs.  Dana knows every one of those dogs.  An interested visitor can sit for hours while she draws on her volumes of believe-it-or-not canine capers.

Dana has been an animal lover long before she discovered the market for large and well-trained dogs for women.  Her divorce had left Dana well off, she doesn’t need to work.  Her kennel business is a labor of love.

Paz watches with interest as Dana goes behind the bar and mixes a drink.  The tall, shapely blonde likes to keep herself healthy, but she likes her booze, too, especially before a session with Paz.  Dana wants to be in just the right mood.  She raises the glass in a toast.

“Here’s to you, my handsome beauty.  I’m sure going to miss you for the next month.”

She drains the glass in a long swig.  Immediately, the alcohol goes to work, making her body tingle with greedy anticipation.  The woman runs her fingers sensually over her body through her overalls.  Then, with one graceful movement, she removes the overalls.  Dana is naked underneath.  The woman’s full round breasts jiggle as she raises herself onto a barstool.  Her slit gleams pink and moist between her thighs as she spreads her legs wide and tickles her engorged clit.  Dana watches the dog staring at her, its ears perking with interest as its eyes follow the lewd manipulations of her fingers along her aching pussy slit.

“You see how wet, and hungry my pussy is, darling?  It’s for you—all for you.  I need it so bad, Paz, just one last time before I go away,”

Dana wriggles her lush ass cheeks against the smooth leather of the barstool.  She can feel the surface getting wet and sticky with her juices.  Her cunt is so ready.

“Come on up here for a minute, Paz.  Lick my pussy for me.”

She groans in abandoned surrender as the dog raises its forepaws onto the front edge of the barstool and noses her pussy.  Paz’s nose is cold and tantalizing.  She spreads her legs wider and holds the dogs head between her thighs.

Mmmm, that feels so good.”

The woman’s big green eyes close lazily.  She’s letting go completely.  The familiar feelings are darting through her.  Dana wants to debase herself.  She wants hard and long fucking from the big dog.  The aroused blonde intends to kneel before the dog, like a bitch in-heat, and fuck.  First, though, she enjoys the titillating glow of expectation.  The longer she can put off her impalement, the better it’ll feel when it actually happens.  In the meantime, there’s Paz’s tongue, its long, serpentine, wet tongue.

Dana thrust her cunt up, searching for this soft rubbery probe.  The dog cooperates well, as trained.  Its tongue licks eagerly up from her exposed, puckered little asshole, over her wet pussy, and to her hard clit.  The effect is devastating.

Uuuuhhh, fuck, yes—Ooohhh, Paz darling—Do it to me—Lick my pussy for me—yeah!

The woman’s tongue touches her upper lip.  Sweat stands out on her brow.  Dana’s very absorbed in the depraved sensual experience she has initiated in her office, the site of so many past encounters with her animals.

The big blonde cannot resist the thrill of opening her eyes and gazing at her hairy pussy.  The dog’s long pink tongue licks right up through her pussy-hair on every upward swipe.  The tongue goads her clit to blood-swollen hardness.  It’s so wonderfully obscene to Dana, the picture of his massive canine head and long, snake-like tongue spreading wide the cavern of her seething pussy.

Mmmm, so nice, it feels wonderful, Paz—God, do it to me—Eat my cunt, lover.”

Her lips bare her teeth as her passion grows in intensity.  Her cunt rotates more energetically, beating the animal’s face with quivering, eager pussy-flesh, and her clit throbs with swollen need.  Dana’s pussy craved a hard filling probe.  She can’t hold back any longer.  She needs the dog’s cock deep inside her cunt.

The dog jumps eagerly to the floor as Dana goes over to the couch.  She takes a strange-looking stool and set it in the middle of the rug.  She kneels in front of the stool and rests her thighs against the cool leather.  Dana’s tits and stomach rest against the downward slope.  Her buttocks are held high in the air, naked and round and white, beckoning to the excited dog.

Paz’s tongue is hanging from his mouth.  He’s dancing lightly on his feet, waiting for the coveted command.  However, most important of all to Dana, the dog’s hard red cock is poking obscenely from its sheath.  The dog wants to fuck as much as Dana does.

“Paz, you’re such an exciting lover,” she groans wantonly.  “Fuck me, Paz, C’mon—UP, boy, UP.”

She wriggles her ass lasciviously, right in the dog’s face.  Paz pokes his nose into her ass crack, forcing her buttocks even higher in the air.  Then the dog mounts her—wrapping its black furry paws around her full, wriggling white ass cheeks.  Dana moans excitedly.  A low growl escapes the dog’s throat.

It doesn’t take long for Paz to find the goal.  The dog has been fucking Dana for a long time, so it’s mating habits are finely tuned, its canine cock can find a human female cunt quickly.  Paz’s stiff cock finds Dana’s cuntal opening and soars right on up inside the hot clinging depths.  The force of the entry knocks the blonde harshly forward.  Dana takes firm hold of the sides of her stool and shoves her ass back.  She wants him deep inside her.

Aaarrgggghhh—Oh fuck—Yessss—that’s what I want, darling—Fuck me—Fuck my cunt.

As if a woman possessed, Dana grinds her ass cheeks back against the dog’s furry pelvis.  Her cunt clasps greedily around the tapered shaft of Paz’s cock and sucks it up inside.  Repeatedly, his loins smack against her upturned ass.  Each time, she moans in wanton delight and screws her buttocks greedily back to meet the beast.  Dana needs it hard.  This dog fuck is going to have to last her through a whole month’s vacation.  She’s going to make it something to remember.

The German shepherd mounts her from behind.  He’s fighting against the fury of her abandoned writhing threatening to throw the dog back each time it plunges into her, but Paz is able to defy the power of her gyrations and keep its cock embedded in her pussy.  The beast’s gleaming red shaft glides in and out of her cunt relentlessly.  Its tongue dangles from its mouth as spittle dribbles onto her back.

Dana can feel the dog’s cock grow larger and more filling inside her with each deep hard thrust.  Her cuntal-walls cling greedily to the pummeling cock, caressing it on each in-stroke.  The fitful grinding of her ass helps increase the stimulation for Dana and the dog.  She can feel the cock pushing hard against first one part of her pussy and then another.  The woman’s sensitive flesh sends darting pleasure throughout her body.

The blonde is thoroughly lost in a pleasure world she had first discovered years before when she was on the verge of breaking up with her husband.  Dana had an Irish setter back then.  One night, in a fit of desperate horniness, she let the dog lick her pussy and then fuck her.  That had been the beginning of a bizarre world of depravity she has indulged to the hilt ever since.  Dana no longer keeps pets of her own.  However, her whole life revolves around the special animals she trains and keeps for other people; each dog is a special lover to a female client.

Dana can feel her cunt wet and swollen, responding wildly to the vigorous skewering the big animal is giving her taut little pussy.  Every thrust from Paz seems to hurl her onto a higher threshold of pleasure.

Uuuuuhhh—Ohhhh, God—Fuck me, Paz—Fuck me.”

Like a human lover, the big dog strives gamely to keep up with the woman’s mounting abandon.  The harder her ass squirms back at the dog, the harsher is its next lunge up into her wet cunt.

Paz’s fucking strokes are deep, regular, and relentless.

Dana can feel the passion mounting steadily inside her quaking, kneeling body.  She knows it won’t be long now before the hot head of excitement explodes into an orgasm that’ll leave her panting.  That vision becomes her goal.  She spears her ass brutally back, repeatedly.

Ooh, baby—do it to me—Fuck my pussy, lover—Ahhhh—shit.”

It’s happening.

Her body is letting loose all the excitement building inside through the long heated fucking session.  She’s like a ragdoll now, allowing the dog to batter her cunt with its cock, as Paz does.  A lusty smile spreads over her face.  Dana Briggs has reached her particular version of heaven.

Uuuuhhh—good,” she murmurs.

She collapses across the stool, hardly aware of the dog’s increased efforts as it blows its load deep into her cunt.  Dana smiles as Paz pulls out of her and the dog’s cum dribbles down her thighs.  The post orgasmic blonde lies across the stool, a lascivious picture of a well-fucked woman.  Her ass still squirms in the air slightly, and her big tits, squashed against their leather support, throb with pleasure.

Dana could’ve laid there for a long time, reveling in her body’s afterglow of satisfaction.  However, it’s almost ten o’clock now, and she’s expecting company and she puts her overalls on, and takes Paz out to the kennels.  She put Paz, Dasher, and Iggy back inside their cages and let Lover out for a run.  Missy, the lone bitch, will have to wait until last for exercise.


By the time Dana dresses and has set her suitcases by the front door, her visitor arrives.  Lori Blackburn is a beautiful, quiet-spoken brunette who lives down the road.  Dana doesn’t know Lori well, she seems shy, and Dana isn’t the type to push her friendship on anyone.  Dana does know Lori well enough to feel she’s reliable and will be leaving the kennel safe.  Lori is a woman who will not shirk her duties.

Dana had even entertained a few private fantasies about Lori discovering her dogs’ unique talents.  Nothing would please the blonde more than to come back to a turned-on neighbor.  Dana’s other sexual preference is women, and she finds Lori attractive.

“I think I’ve covered everything you need to know, Lori,” Dana said.  “Don’t forget there’s a list I made for you, in the top drawer of my desk.  If any of the dogs, God forbid, should get sick, my vet’s number is on the list.”

She smiles reassuringly at the woman.  Lori bites at her lips and scratches at her skin.  Dana is not sure why the brunette had decided to take the job.  Lori’s husband makes plenty of money as a banker.  Dana suspects Lori is a little bored with her secure role as a pampered middle-class homemaker.

“I should be okay, Dana,” Lori said in a high-pitched tone.  “Growing up on a farm, I learned about taking care of animals.  I love them all.”

Lori giggles; a quick, high-pitched laughter.  She likes Dana but is a little in awe of the older woman.  Dana is mature, self-confident, and beautiful.

“Well, that’s just the kind of person my dogs need, Lori,” Dana said with a smile.  “I’m so glad you decided to take the job.  I’d never trust my precious darlings to a total stranger.

“Well, I’m glad you took me on,” Lori said.  “I’ve been dying for something to do lately to occupy my time.  I never used to get bored, but lately—”

Lori looks away, she doesn’t want to say too much, but the brunette needs someone with whom she can talk openly.  In a few minutes, Dana will be going away for a whole month.  That makes her the perfect confidante.  A lot can change in a month.

“I guess I’m just going through a phase,” Lori said with a shrug.  “Ian says it’s because I’ll be twenty-five next month.”

“You’re a beautiful young woman, Lori,” Dana reassures her.  “You have nothing to feel insecure about, your husband is probably afraid you’re getting bored with him,”

Lori hurries to her husband’s defense.  “Oh no, it’s nothing like that.  Ian knows I love him.  I do.  It’s just I need something of my own.”

“Yes, but listen, honey, I gotta be going.  I’ve left ‘Lover‘ in the dog run.  Missy’s the only one who hasn’t had her turn this morning.  Take care of my babies.  I’ll see you in a month.”

“Have a wonderful time, Dana.”

Lori watches Dana drives her car out of the driveway.  She can’t help admiring the blonde.  Dana does everything with such calm efficiency.  When the car has disappeared along the tree-lined road, Lori heads toward the back of the house and the kennels.  She takes Missy out for her run after she has closed Lover securely in his cage.  She can’t help blushing as she read the temporary nameplate, over Lover’s cage.

Who would ever give a dog a name like Lover, she wonders?  It’s—indecent.


Lori was just as much a farm girl as any in her school.  She was a boisterous little girl with her freckles, energy, and a strong right arm. As a kid, she was almost indistinguishable from the boys with her baseball cap on, until she had started growing tits.  Lori tried to keep up with the boys for a while after this, but they never treated the girl the same again.  They started whispering among themselves, staring at her and giggling.  She often caught one or another of them staring at her chest as her pink-tipped buds grew to firm swelling mounds of tantalizing breasts.

Her mother had convinced Lori it’s time she starts realizing she’s not a boy.  Therefore, Lori started wearing dresses and letting boys hold doors open for her and buy her McDonalds.  She met Ian Blackburn when she was a senior in high school, and he a senior in college.  They dated steadily until Ian was making enough money to support them.  Then they married, halfway through Lori’s junior year at college.  She quit school and devoted herself to being Mrs. Ian Blackburn.  Maybe not what a modern woman would do, but Lori grew up in family with old-fashioned values.  Lori was never a feminist.

Being a homemaker was an engrossing job when they were struggling on a small income.  There lots of cleaning, cooking and sewing to do around the house, but in the last couple of years, Ian brought in enough money for a housekeeper twice a week.  This left Lori suddenly twiddling her thumbs, wondering what to do with the rest of her life.  Regretting she squandered college and the opportunity to work as an executive.

Lori found herself depressed with the same old routine, and filled with pangs of regret.  Even their lovemaking became lackluster, it’s just part of the routine, good but unspectacular.  There’s something inside Lori crying for more, and she doesn’t even know what it is yet.

At this point, she hears about the temporary job at Dana’s kennel: Doggy Day Care.  Lori practically begged Dana to hire her.  Looking after dogs is right up Lori’s alley.  She has a knack for taking care of animals, as they seem to respond to her loving attention.


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