The Dog Show

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The Dog Show
The Dog Show
Year: 2018
A black woman bemoans her sexual frustrations to her neighbor one day and gets introduced to a sex machine, Lex the dog.
Moe Lester
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“I’m feeling really fucking horny today, Shell,” Tiana ‘Tee’ Carter announces.

Michelle ‘Shell’ Boyd raises her eyebrows.  The two women were neighbors and Tiana had stopped at Michelle’s for morning coffee and, seated at the kitchen table, she suddenly blurted out her feelings.  Blushing slightly with a grimace, the Tiana realizes she said something aloud that should’ve been kept in her head.  Michelle grins.

“Ethan usually fucks me in the morning,” Tiana said with a shrug.  “But he is late waking up today, and we didn’t have time, and it’s left me frustrated as hell.  A woman gets used to morning cock, right?”

“I always liked it, Tee.  A man’s morning boner is the best one,” Michelle said.

“What do you do for sex now poor Justin’s passed?”

Michelle shrugs.  “Oh, this and that,” she said rolling her eyes.

The two women gaze at each other across the table.  They’re both very sexy women in their thirties.  Tiana has long black hair, as straight as if she’s ironed it, framing a face with high cheekbones and slanted brown eyes and a full, sensual mouth (think Brooklyn Sudano).  Her breasts are big and firm, waist is tiny, and her hips swept out in lush abundance.  Tiana is wearing a light cotton dress that molds itself into her body.  Even if she hadn’t admitted to being horny, the fact is obvious enough because of the way her big, stiff nipples stand in twin peaks.

Michelle, by contrast, is more like actor Halle Berry.  She wears her hair short, and her brown eyes appear deceptively innocent.  Her body is slim, with C-cup breasts and a heart-shaped ass.  She is not dressed yet having just got up when Tiana stopped by and is wearing a sexy black negligee, semi-transparent.  Her nipples are stiff too, and the outline of her pussy hair is faintly visible through the sheer black garment.

Tiana has recently married, and she and her husband moved into the house next door to Michelle with two kids who are now at school.   Michelle’s husband Justin died in a car accident a few years ago, leaving her with one boy to raise alone.   They’re good friends and have no inhibitions when they talk about personal matters.

Michelle raises her coffee cup and sips.  “I suppose we can go on Tindr and pick up a couple of guys for the day,” Michelle said. “You want to?”

Tiana hesitates, considering it.  Then she shakes her head.  “I don’t want to cheat on Ethan,” she said.  “Oh, I fucked around a lot before we married, but I haven’t been unfaithful to him since.  I suppose I might, someday, but I don’t wanna put the kids through that crap if Ethan catches me.”

Michelle shrugs.

Tiana, looking somewhat hesitant, said, “The reason I stopped by … Well … I was wondering if maybe you had some batteries I can borrow.” She giggles.  “I was gonna use my vibrator, but the damn batteries are flat.  Do you use toys now you’re alone?”

Tiana is gazing at the table, slightly embarrassed by the question.  Michelle stares at her speculatively.

“I’ve got a dildo,” Michelle said.  “But, to be honest, I seldom use it.”

“Oh?  I finger fucked myself a little after Ethan left and I was still in bed.  But once you have regular cock and tongue, masturbation isn’t as much fun.  I mean, it’s sort of a waste, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s better than nothing, but it isn’t much.”

“How come you don’t use your dildo, then?” Tiana asked.

“Well, I use something else, instead.”

Now Michelle turns away and purses her lips tightly as if wondering whether she should tell Tiana about it.  Tiana gazes at Michelle with raised eyebrows and bright eyes.

“It’s sorta nasty…” Michelle said blushing. “I don’t know what you’d think about it.”

“Sounds intriguing, tell me, huh?”

“You might be shocked…”

“Ooh, it must be bad.  Tell me … Tell me…” Tiana urges, wondering what can make an uninhibited woman as Michelle feel embarrassed and reluctant to talk about it.

They have always discussed their sex lives openly in the past, and Michelle admitted several naughty things.  Like, how she used to cheat on her husband before his death in the accident, and how in college Michelle was the ‘gangbang bitch’ and loved it.  So why is she so hesitant now, Tiana wonders?

“Lex,” Michelle murmurs.


“My dog … Lex…”

Tiana frowns; she’s puzzled thinking Michelle had changed the subject.  “What about Lex?”

“He licks me off,” Michelle blurts.

Oh, really…” Tiana said with bulging eyes.

Michelle, seeing Tiana’s more interested than shocked, grins.  “Yeah, really, he’s got a great tongue, and he just loves to lick my pussy.  I cream on his tongue all the time.  Shit, I was getting head from a dog even before I was married.”

“Fuck, gurrl, that is nasty,” Tiana said shaking her head.

“I caught a dog licking my dirty panties one day,” Michelle said leering.  “When I was at college, and that’s what gave me the idea.  When I saw that big wet tongue slurping at the crotch of my dirty panties, I got so hot.  Dog’s have been licking my pussy ever since.  Of course, Lex gets really excited tonguing my pussy, so afterward I have to jerk the brute off.  But that’s kinda fun too.”

“It sounds … interesting…” Tiana said softly.

They stare at each other significantly.

“You wanna borrow Lex’s tongue?” Michelle asks with a naughty glint in her eyes.

“Oh, shit … I don’t know.  It’s kinda illegal, right?”

“Yeah, Tee, but who’s gonna know?  I certainly won’t tell,” Michelle said.  “You can get your rocks off without having to cheat on your husband.”

“Well, I am so damned hot…”

Michelle grins.  “Yeah, let’s fool around with the dog, OK?  He can tongue you while I jerk his big dick.”

“I don’t know,” Tiana said and grimaces.  “It’s bestiality … It’s immoral, right?”

“Tee, you know I’ve been around the block a few times, right?  I mean I’ve done it with men and women in every way imaginable.”

“Tiana nods smiling.  “Yes, you’re a slut,” she said.  “But there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Right, I like sex, and I’m not ashamed of trying new things,” Michelle said.  “I’ve had all manner of people eat my pussy before, but I can tell you … As God is my witness … None and I mean NONE of those people comes close to what Lex can do.  He can give you orgasms with that tongue that’ll leave you stupid for the rest of the day.”

A silence hangs in the air as Tiana processes what Michelle has said.

“OK,” Tiana eventually said rapidly becoming enthusiastic about the idea.

Thinking while some would say it’s depraved or perverted to get head from an animal, it only makes it more exciting.  To do something so taboo has a thrill of its own.

Michelle grins and gets up.  She moves to the door, her heart-shaped ass swinging provocatively.  Tiana stares at her friend’s shapely body.  Tiana doesn’t have any lesbian tendencies, as far as she knows, but it’s strangely exciting to think she’d be sharing a dog with such a sexy woman.

Michelle opens the door and calls to the dog stretched out by his kennel in the yard.  Lex raises his big, blunt head and cocks an ear.  The dog is a giant, shaggy brute without pedigree, but with a nimble tongue and a massive cock and balls.

“C’mon, boy, it’s pussy lickin’ time,” Michelle said giggles.

Lex gets up and advances toward the house stiff-legged, the dog’s cock hanging down, not hard yet but an impressive hunk of meat even in its soft condition.  The beast comes through the door and sniffs at Michelle’s ass as it passes.  She closes the door and moves back to the table, with Lex at her heels.  The mutt’s nostrils twitch as it sniffs.  The women are hot and juicy now, and there’s a delicious aroma of pussy in the room.  The dog’s cock stiffens as it smells the intoxicating fragrance.  Well-trained, Lex knows just what the scent implies.

“Let’s go into the front room,” Michelle suggests.

Tiana gets up eagerly, and the two women leave the kitchen with the dog following.  Its dick has risen to horizontal by this time, and the angry red cock is starting to push out from the furry sheath, Lex’s balls swollen with semen.  Tiana turns to look at the brute and grins impishly when she sees how big the dog’s dick is.

Michelle slips her negligee off.  “He shoots jizz by the bucketful,” she said.  “It gets all over my clothes if I don’t strip.”

Tiana is gazing admiringly at Michelle’s sexy body, having vaguely disturbing-and exciting-thoughts.

“You better get naked, too,” Michelle suggests.

Tiana giggles nervously and draws her dress up, removing it.  Her naked breasts bobble and the stiff nipples stand out like little rocket ships ready for launch.  Tiana is wearing tiny bikini panties, and the crotch band is soaking with juice.

“Shit, Tee, you’ve gotta great body,” Michelle whispers.

“So have you, Shell,” Tiana said shyly.

Lex sniffs at Michelle’s pussy now, but she stands with her legs together.  The dog’s tongue runs through her wiry black pussy hair, soaking her with doggy slobber.  Tiana slips her thumbs under the elastic of her panties and tugs them down, her ass and hips squirming.  She raises a knee to pull them from her foot, and Michelle stares right at her pussy not even trying to conceal her interest.

“Fucking hell, you must be horny, honey-your pussy is soaking wet and wide open,” Michelle said wide-eyed.

Tiana’s pussy lips are unfurled like the petals of a flower, and her slit has widened into a slit, that’s flooded with creamy juice.  The black woman’s clit stands out from the wet slit, as stiff and as taut as her nipples.  A trickle of pearly pussy juice slowly runs down the inside of Tiana’s thigh.

“You’re in for a real treat, Lex,” Michelle said eagerly.  Her tongue slowly slides across her lower lip.  “Shit, Tee, your pussy looks so delicious I might eat it, myself.”

“Ooh…” Tiana squeals.  “I never had a woman go down on me, Shell, but I wouldn’t mind.”

“Maybe later,” Michelle said.  “If you want to, let’s just let Lex have his dog-yummy first.  Let him sniff your panties.”

Tiana tosses the panties to the carpet.  They flutter down like a butterfly with damp wings.  The dog trots over and lowers its head, sniffing.  Then it gives a little yelp and licks at the soaking crotch band enthusiastically.  Michelle kneels beside Lex’s shaggy brown flank and grasps it dick.  Folding her fist around the sheath, Michelle pulls it back, causing the big red pointy cockhead to flare out, throbbing and pulsating.  Cupping the dog’s balls, Michelle lifts them in her hand, as if weighing the amount of jism they contain.  Then the woman strokes along the length of the dog’s shaft again.

“He’s ready for a snack,” Michelle said as the big cock pounds in her stroking fist.

The dog humps, fucking through her hand.  It turns its head toward Michelle, but she pushes it away, toward Tiana.

“Sit on the edge of the couch, Tee.”

Tiana does, her ass perched on the edge and her long, shapely legs extend to the floor and the woman’s thighs part.  Tiana’s pussy is a plump triangle of trimmed black hair, spreading out on her lower belly.  Her juicy pussy is flowing like a swampy river.  Ribbons of juice run down into the crack of her ass and a creamy trickle slid down her thigh.

“Pussy, boy,” Michelle said, pulling the dog closer to Tiana.

Lex appears a bit puzzled, having never lapped a pussy other than his mistress’s, but there’s no mistaking the significance of the delicious aroma drifting from the other woman’s loins.  The dog whimpers and rumbles in its throat.  Lex’s snout twitched.  Tiana slides a hand between her legs and spread her pussy lips open even wider.  Lex pushes his big head in and his cold nose taps against her hot clit, causing Tiana to shudder.  The dog’s long, red tongue snakes out and slurps up her creamy slit.

Oh … Ooh…” Tiana moans softly.

“Yeah…  Lap that sweet pussy,” Michelle said, fascinated to see her dog’s tongue slapping into Tiana’s soaking slit.

Tiana squirms on the edge of the couch, moaning as Lex’s pliable tongue whips at her hot vagina.  The dog is yelping with enthusiasm as delicious pussy cream pours over its taste buds.  There, ribbons of creamy pussy foam streaks the pink meat of its tongue.

Ooh … It’s good…” Tiana moans.

She’s had plenty of tongue from men before, but never felt anything as good as the dog’s lapper.  Lex’s head goes up and down like a rocking horse as he slurps at her crotch, licking Tiana from the crack of her ass to her mound with long, moist strokes.  The blunt muzzle soon lathers with pussy juice.

“Mmmm…it looks good, too,” Michelle purrs.

Curling a toe on the floor at the edge of the couch, Michelle wraps her hand around the root of Lex’s dick.  She jacks the shaggy dog’s cock slowly, her hand skimming along his cock.  Then Michelle tightens her grip, so she’s dragging the sheath up and down.  Lex’s dick is hammering wildly in her fist.  The meat of the mutt’s cockhead pulsing in and out like an inhaling lung and the shaft feels so taut it’s almost humming like a tuning fork.  Michelle pulls back to the dog’s balls and its cockhead flares.  The piss hole parts and a few drops of precum bubbled out, hot and thick and frothy.

Michelle jerks the bloated cockhead and rubs her thumb against the hot shaft.  The cockhead is slippery with the precum oozing from the dog’s piss hole.  Then she stops stroking Lex, holding the dick steady.  It’s a real thrill to pump the jism out of the dog, but she wants Tiana to cum first.  Watching Lex lap merrily away at Tiana’s pussy, Michelle loves to see his long tongue slide into her friend’s soaking, smoldering cunt.  Stabbing that relentless tongue right up inside Tiana’s vagina now, licking the insides of her creamy tunnel as well as her pussy lips and clit.

“Cum, honey,” Michelle whispers.  “Cream on the dog’s fucking tongue.  Fuck, it’s making me so hot.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m gonna juice the fucker,” Tiana groans.

Waves of joy run across Tiana’s pumping belly and shoot, like electric currents, up her trembling thighs.  Her pelvis jerks in a fucking motion as the woman grinds her groin against the dog’s muzzle and tongue.  Hips jolt and her ass churned on the edge of the couch.  Lex whimpers with the pleasure of licking pussy, relishing the tasty feast.  Tiana’s pussy is getting even more delicious as her orgasm approaches and the flow increases.  The quick tongue flips up her hairy crotch and sprays juice and saliva onto the woman’s belly.  The dog dips down and runs its tongue up the taut crack of Tiana’s ass, slurping the pussy cream seeped into the tasty tunnel.  Then Lex runs it through her slit and up over her mound.  His dog slobber soaking her crotch and her juice streaks it with pearly ribbons.

Ooh … I’m cumming…” Tiana wails.

Michelle, holding the dog’s dick steady, leans closer, her face contorted by lust, eager to see her friend orgasm.  The waves are rushing through Tiana’s pussy faster and faster, each wave coming higher than the one before until they’re merging into a prolonged crest.

Ah … I’m cumming … Omigod …My cunt is melting…” Tiana shouts throwing her head back.

Juice pours out of Tiana’s soaking slit, coating the dog’s tongue and lathering its muzzle.  The mutt ravenously slurps away, its big body quivering with joy as the dog swallowed her cum juice.  Tiana closes her thighs around the dog’s head, clamping it to her crotch, and then she throws her legs wide open again so she and Michelle can watch her pussy foam on the animal’s tongue.

Shuddering violently, Tiana reaches the peak.  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahrrrrrr…” she squeals.  “Omigod … I’m cumming…”

Slumping back on the couch, Lex continues to lick hungrily away, slurping the last of Tiana’s juice and working off the final spasms of her orgasm.  Tiana smiles dreamily at Michelle from the couch.

“That was fucking fantastic,” she said.

“Finished, honey?” the widow asks.

Tiana nods and moans.  The dog is still slapping its tongue up her soaking cunt, its whole body wriggling and squirming and the beasts big dick throbs in Michelle’s hand.  Michelle grasps the dog by the collar with her free hand and yanks its head out of Tiana’s crotch.  It takes a bit of effort; because the dog’s wet tongue seems glued to Tiana’s wet cunt, plastered there by a paste of doggy slobber mixed with pussy juice.  Then the dog’s tongue slides free, running over Tiana’s clit as its head comes up.  Lex yelps, trying to duck back down for some more tasty pussy, so enthusiastic about licking Tiana it’s even ignoring the demands of its cock and balls.

Michelle gives the dog’s shaft a slow push-pull and Lex stiffens all over and stops trying to get its muzzle down into Tiana’s pussy when its cock is in action.  Humping, its hind paws scrambling on the carpet, the dog fucks its dick through Michelle’s fist.  Cupping the dog’s balls at the bottom of the stroke, Michelle then lets the shaft slip back through her hand, loving the way that the iron-hard cock ripples and feeling the knot grow bigger and bigger.

Still holding Lex by the collar, Michelle jerks the dog upward.  It springs up from its haunches, placing forepaws on either side of Tiana’s lush hips, with its hind legs still braced on the floor.  The dog’s fat dick looms over the dark woman’s belly.

Tiana gazes down, fascinated by the sight of the slab of naked red cock flaring from the sheath.  Her body arches and Tiana stares at Lex’s cock framed in her cleavage and poised above the dark triangle of her mound.

“You gonna jerk him off now?” Tiana asks.

“Yeah, I’m gonna milk its cock and balls,” Michelle whispers, her voice husky with passion.  “I’m gonna jack the fucker off like tits, so its hot fuck juice splashes all over you.  OK?

Ooh,” Tiana moans softly.  She nods.  The thought of having hot doggy-cum squirt on her naked flesh is exciting and, despite the lovely orgasm she had just finished with, her pussy begins to ripple and juice and heat up all over again.  “Mmmm…  Make him blow its load on me,” she whispers hotly.

Shifting her hips from side to side, Tiana thrusts her fat breasts out.  Cupping the firm globes between her hands, she deepens the cleavage.  Holding her breasts together, Tiana switches her thumbs back and forth across her stiff nipples, like windshield wipers.  Those brown tips shoot out, tingling and, lower down, her clit stiffens and begins to throb again.  Pussy juice and dog slobber streamed down her crotch again, soaking the cushion beneath her ass.

“Make him shoot all over my belly and breasts,” Tina groans.

Michelle tries to smile, delighted at the other woman’s ready acceptance, but her face is tight with lust, and the smile becomes a grimace.  Her eyes glow, and the tip of her tongue slips across her sensual lips.

Releasing the dog’s collar, Michelle slides her hand down beneath its tail and grasps the dog’s bloated balls from behind, squeezing gently and feeling its cum load slosh around inside the hairy bags.  Her other hand still gripped its shaft at the hilt, holding the long shaft out over Tiana’s belly.  Michelle begins to jack Lex off.  The dog’s sheath folded over the cockhead as Michelle’s hand pumps up, and then skins back leaving the cockhead flaring out.

Lex humps as Michelle strokes him, fucking through her fist.  Its big head bobs and the dog slobbers onto Tiana’s breasts.  Foamy dog saliva flecks her nipples and runs down the deep cleavage as if heralding the hot jism that’ll soon be spurting onto her tits.  Tiana rubs the slobber into her breasts and moans, waiting for the cum.  Michelle strokes Lex’s canine cock faster, with a steady, rhythmic motion she knows from long experience is the most efficient way to bring the big brute to culmination.

The dog’s cock is getting bigger with every stroke, the knot especially.  Humping up, Lex drives its cockhead level with Tiana’s breasts.  Jerking back, Lex drags his dick through Michelle’s fist to Tiana’s groin.  The dog is growling and whimpering with excitement.  Its balls are like over-inflated balloons in one hand, and its dick is vibrating in the other.  The piss hole gapes open and precum squirts out continuously coating Tiana’s belly.  Tiana is staring at the tapered cockhead, eager to see jism spurt out.  Her eyes glued to the sight as a bird that has looked into the eye of the serpent and, mesmerized, cannot look away.

Michelle, too, stares at that swollen cock, waiting for the creamy cloud of cum she knows will soon shoot from its piss hole and dose her sexy woman friend’s belly and breasts.  The dog-jerking woman is panting like a dog herself, thrilled by the situation.  Her ass and hips pump in a fucking movement.  Michelle’s long, shapely legs extend, trembling, and heels drum on the carpet.  Pussy juice trickles down her thighs and seeps into the crack of her ass.  The woman knows she’ll have to get her rocks off again, and soon, and she hopes her friend is going to take care of that.  For the moment, Michelle is more interested in seeing and feeling the dog shoot its cum all over Tiana’s body.

“Make him cum.  Make him cum on me,” Tiana moans, yearning to be bathed by geysers of doggy-cum.  “Oh, fucking hell.  Pump its cock and balls out on my breasts, Michelle.”

Lex’s head ducks down and its long tongue slurps out.  The dog begins to lick at Tiana’s tingling nipples and run its tongue up through the soft tunnel of her cleavage.  Tiana moans and jerks around under the brute, hotter now than when she first arrived, before the dog’s tongue licked her to orgasm, than she’s ever been before.

Michelle is every bit as hot, as she pumps the dog’s dick and cups its bloated balls and anticipates the creamy cum load that’s going to soak Tiana’s body.  A skillful fist jerks up and down like some well-oiled linkage.  Precum dribbles from Lex’s piss hole, soaking its cockhead and running down its shaft, lubricating her fist.  Some splashes onto Tiana’s belly and into her pubic hair.  A glob pools in her belly button.  Tiana slides a hand down and rubs the slimy stuff into her skin, and Michelle’s jerking hand slings more precum onto her belly.

Michelle bends the dog’s stiff dick down, touches the weeping cock tip against Tiana’s belly, and then drags it down into the black tangle of her bush.  Precum slides from the piss hole, streaking Tiana’s flesh and matting her wiry pubic hair.  Tiana gasps when she feels the dog’s cockhead touch her skin.  The precum is so hot it steamed from her belly.

The dog’s long tail swishes around behind it like a rudder steering its dick as the animal humps frantically, nearing the crest of orgasm.  Lex’s ass is a furry blur and its cock spits as it fucks through Michelle’s fist and looms over Tiana’s slippery breasts.  The piss hole gapes wide, and the women can see jism bubbling inside the cleft.  Lex’s knot expands mightily, his cock shaft swells as the ball of flesh balloons.

Michelle gasps as she feels the dog’s cock pulsing.  “He’s gonna fucking cum,” she wails.

Yeah … Yeah … Yeah…” Tiana moans.  “Empty his cock all over me … Drain his balls on me…

Lex’s dick suddenly erupts in Michelle’s hand, and she feels cum rush into the shaft.  She pumps fast, skinning its cockhead as it flares out.

“Here it comes…” Michelle squeals.

A spurt of thin, watery dog semen shoots out of Lex’s cockhead and speeds up Tiana’s belly, splashing against her breasts in a slimy, hot tide.  A jet of jizz pours up her cleavage.  The dog howls and jerks back, cumming again on the recoil.  Lex’s jism splashes right into Tiana’s pussy, hosing her open slit and skimming over her mound.  Tiana moans with the joy of it as she feels hot jism soak her steaming pussy.  Lex humps again, and its third thin spurt of cum shoots right into Tiana’s face.  The woman hadn’t expected the dog to explode with such force.  Her lips parted, the dog’s semen splatters right into Tiana’s mouth.  Slimy ribbons run over her tongue, tingling her taste buds with the salty, coppery substance.

“He’s cumming right in your fucking mouth,” Michelle shouts, overwhelmed by the erotic sight.

Tiana spits some of the doggy-cum out, but her mouth is still full of the stuff.  She gulps, swallowing dog semen.  It’s fucking delicious, Tiana thought.  Michelle pumps on Lex’s ejaculating dick and more semen sprays over Tiana.  The steaming cum flies up and splashes on Tiana’s lips again making her gasp, and hardly aware of what she’s doing, opens her mouth wider, letting the tasty sperm flow past her lips.

Mmmm,” Tiana moans.

The woman’s tongue is floating in dog-cum.  It sloshes around in her cheeks and trickles down her gullet.  Ribbons and ropes of the thin slime streak past her panting lips, there’s so much semen, who knew a dog could cum like this.  Michelle did.

Michelle keeps on frigging the doggy, pumping stream after stream of jizz out of its dick.  It flew all over Tiana’s heaving belly and breasts and soaked into her open vagina.  The dog is nearing the end of its climax, and its cum wasn’t shooting out far enough to reach Tiana’s face now.  The knot is starting to shrink.  More spurts of jism splashes on Tiana’s belly.  Then the doggy slows down, whimpering.  Michelle keeps pumping, milking every spurt, making sure she frigged out every drop from its cock and balls.

The last of the dog’s semen comes out in a mere trickle, clinging to its cockhead.  Michelle bends the cock down and rubs the foaming tip into Tiana’s bush.  Her black pussy hair lathers with streaks of dog semen.  Lex’s flanks heave in and out, as he pants heavily in the aftermath of its orgasm.  Michelle releases the dog’s cock, and it hops from the couch, its tongue hanging out, dripping.  The dog’s balls are empty, but its cock stays upright.

Michelle grins wickedly at Tiana.  “Shit, gurrl, you swallowed his cum,” she said.

Tiana blushes and averts her gaze, embarrassed by what she did and trying to act demure.  “I-I got carried away,” Tiana stammers.  “I didn’t expect him to shoot in my face and … and when his cum shot into my mouth I just sorta swallowed by reflex … I guess.”

“Don’t be embarrassed, Tee,” Michelle said with a smile.  “I’ll tell you something.  When I told you that I jerk Lex off, after he licks my cunt, I wasn’t telling the truth.”

Tiana stares hard at her friend.  Michelle is no longer smiling.  Her pretty face is a mask of lust.

“What do you mean, Michelle?” Tiana asks.

“I do more than just jerk him off,” Michelle admits.  “Sometimes I even let him … fuck me.

MICHELLE … You fuck your dog?” Tiana squeals.

Tiana’s amazed her friend would admit to such a wicked thing even if it happened to be true.

“Yeah … and I suck him off, too,” Michelle adds.  “So you don’t have to be embarrassed because you swallowed Lex’s cum … and dog cum is yummy, right?”

Tiana stares wide-eyed and mouth agape.  Then she manages a wry, sheepish grin and nods.  It is yummy, no doubt of that, Tiana thought.  The rich, metallic flavor of dog cum is still lingering on Tiana’s taste buds.  It’s saltier than human sperm and muskier, and when she got over the initial shock, Tiana could well understand why her friend would blow the dog.  If dog cum is so succulent delivered by hand, Tiana can imagine what the stuff would taste like when a woman sucks it—all hot and slimy, straight out of its balls.

“Do you believe me, Tee?” Michelle asks.

“I-I guess so,” Tiana whispers.

“Watch this…”

Smiling, Michelle turns toward the panting dog.  Lex’s cock is still jutting stiffly, and Michelle wraps her hand around the stalk and skins the sheath back from its cockhead.  Pushing her head beneath the dog’s belly while looking at Tiana out of the corners of her eyes Michelle’s lips part and she slips the dog’s dick right into her mouth.

Tiana stares at her in awe.

The dog’s swollen red cockhead slippery with cum disappears down Michelle’s throat.


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