We’re All Nothing But Animals

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We're All Nothing But Animals
We’re All Nothing But Animals
Year: 2016
A woman is taken to a live sex show in Tijuana featuring animals and it awakens her animal lusts. Luckily her man friend and her son are ready to help her explore the farmyard and experience so many new things, so many new inter-species sex encounters.
Moe lester
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y”>Lily is sobering fast despite all the tequila she’s guzzled this evening. She senses danger in the tent, feels the animal tension. She realizes she’s the only woman here and all eyes are on her. She dug her fingernails into Ryan’s arm.

“Ryan, take me out of here,” she said under her breath, her words sluggish from the tequila.

“Don’t be silly,” Ryan said, nowhere near as drunk as Lily, although he’d drunk more. “The show’s about to start. Every vet ought to see something like this.”

A hand starts rubbing Lily’s butt, and she spins around.

“Hands off, fucktard.”

The Mexican shows his teeth in a leer and tips a green bottle to his lips. His companions, a half-dozen shirtless Mexican youths, laugh at her. She turns away from them, searching the crowd for Josh, desperate to grab him and drag him out of here with her. To hell with Ryan, He could stay if he wants to be stubborn. Lily and her son Josh would find their way back to the hotel alone, even if they have to run all the way.

Josh is her eighteen-year-old son whom she still thinks of as a ‘little-boy’. Lily scans the crowd frantically, the haze of cigar smoke stinging her eyes and making her cough. Where has the little devil run off to? She spots him at last, his blond head shining among all the dark heads. He’s standing right at the front, at the edge of the circle formed by the crowd. He strips off his shirt and looks lily-white compare to all the dark skin around him, and suddenly Lily fears for her son as much as for herself. She tries to force her way through the crowd.  Ryan grabs her.

“Fuck me, where are you going?”

“I’m getting out of here.  I’m gonna get Josh, and we’re getting out of here. Let me go.”

Ryan has her by the waist and pulls her against him. She isn’t sure, but she thought she felt something hard against her ass for a moment. Ryan turns her toward him. The Mexican youths are laughing.

“Relax, will ya,” Ryan said. “It’s too late to leave anyway. The shows gonna start any second.”

“Ryan, I said I’m—”

A cheer erupts from the crowd, stunning Lily into silence. Ryan turns her toward the clearing at the center of the tent. A fat Mexican, smoking a cigar, his shirt open and his belly bulging, leads a huge mongrel stud into the ring. The dog looks like a cross between a Great Dane, an Irish setter, a German shepherd, and a Doberman. The dog growls, glaring at the crowd, and the Mexican cuffs it alongside the head.

Lily is entranced.  What are they going to do with the dog? When Ryan suggested at the nightclub, there’s a unique animal act in Tijuana a veterinarian as she simply has to see, Lily has been so giddy on tequila that she’s gone along gladly. Little has she known that Ryan is going to drag her and Josh through dark streets and back alleys to a dilapidated tent that smells like a combination barn and outdoor toilet? The tent is crammed with sweaty males, many of them drunk. They look at her as if she’s a new zoo specimen and she’s begun sobering up immediately.

The cheering soars, punctuated with whistles and catcalls, most of them in Spanish. Lily can’t believe her eyes. Making its way into the ring now is a donkey, being led by another fat Mexican. Astride the donkey’s back sat a naked woman in her twenties, her tits well-developed for her age, her shiny black hair trailing all the way to her ass. As she rode through the crowd, smiling shyly, sweaty hands reach out for her, stroking her legs and feet, pinching her ass. A man broke from the crowd and shoves his head between her legs, biting at the black fur of her pussy mound. An attendant beats him away with a riding crop, and the crowd’s cheering crescendo.

Lily stood there with her mouth open, frozen where she stood. She’s never witnessed anything so obscene in her life. Suddenly, she remembers Josh and she panics, she has to get him out of here. There’s no telling what’ll happen next, what kind of filthy show Ryan has dragged them to. This is not for a boy to see. She tries, but she can’t move.

The woman unsteadily stands on the back of the donkey, her tits jiggling slightly, her black little cunt bush glimmering in the light of the bare overhead lightbulbs. Her toes curl against the donkeys back as she balances. She squats slightly, simultaneously pulling apart her pussy lips with her fingers. Her pink cunt meat gleams, dripping with juice as she flashes it at the crowd of men, the men cheer.

Lily is stunned, yet fascinated. She gazes at the scene, her heart slamming. She can’t believe what she’s seeing.

The dark-skinned woman turns, showing her spread cunt to all the men in the crowd. As she displays herself, juice begins to trickle from her cunt and leak down the insides of her thighs. She bent forward then and tugs apart her smooth little ass cheeks, showing the men her moist, pink, twitching anus. The youth who has feels her ass steps up alongside Lily, gazing at the woman’s ass and muttering in Spanish, the muscles of his naked shoulder rippling as his arm moves.

Lily glances down, her heart momentarily lodging in her throat. What she saw now is even more unbelievable than the naked woman on the donkey. Her boy has his cock out and is slowly fisting it, working the foreskin off and on his shiny purple knob.  Precum bubbles from his huge hard-on, running over his knuckles, dripping on the dirt floor of the tent.  Lily starts to shake.  She feels a tightening in her crotch, in her loins.  She looks away quickly, back toward the center of the tent.

The lithe Hispanic woman slid off the donkey. She’s a dark, slim woman with flawless skin, shiny raisin eyes, and upturned nipples on the ends of her large yet firm tits. The mongrel stud starts to struggle as the woman approaches it. She let the huge dog, which stood on all fours nearly as tall as the woman herself, sniff of her pussy, then at her ass. The dog’s cock flexes, and escapes its hairy sheath like a long-red snake. The sizzling dog dick, with its arrow-shaped head, squirms and wiggles as the woman wipes some of her cunt juice on the dog’s wet snout. The dog struggles hard to break loose that two men has to restrain it.

The Hispanic woman slides under the dog, wiggling her ass in the dirt as she begins to sniff the dog’s dick. Lily watches in speechless shock, her head buzzing. It’s as if she is surrounded by animals. She chews her lips as she watches, aghast, as the Hispanic woman begins to lick the hound’s rampant dick.

Now it took three Mexicans to hold the dog. He put his snout in the air and howls as the woman swallows his dog cock to the sheath and begins to munch on it. As she bobs her head, her tight lips sliding on the dog’s cock, her black hair swept the ground behind her ass. She grips the dog’s balls in her hand, squeezing them, massaging them. Her other hand moves up between the dog’s legs and her middle finger wiggles under the dog’s quivering, uplifts tail, the tip of it’s probing the hound’s asshole. She twists her small hand and deftly screws her finger up the hound’s asshole. Suddenly, she begins choking.

The dog’s cock slips out of her mouth, shooting long strands of milky cum all over her face. She pumps her finger in the dog’s asshole, squeezes his contracting nuts, and laps at his flexing, spurting dick. The hound howls, humping frantically’ squirting his cum all over the woman’s cheeks, onto her tits, into her open mouth. She sucks up his cock again and sucks it until the dog stops humping. Then she spit his cock out, swallowing his cum.

She slid out from beneath him and stood, smiling at the crowd as she wipes the dog cum off her body and face with her hands, then licks her hands clean. What she didn’t clean off, she rubs into her skin like lotion.

Lily feels a hand on her lower back and she’s about to twist away when she realizes it’s Ryan’s hand. She press’s her back against his hand, glad for the support. Her legs are shaking and she fears they’ll fold under her. Ryan’s thick fingers slid a few inches into her jeans and the contact is comforting.

The Mexican woman crawls under the donkey now, dropping to her knees, reaching out to the beast’s dangling cock. As she massages the naked donkey cock from one end to the other, it swells and stiffens. The donkey begins to snort as the woman rubs herself all over his arm-like cock, stroking it with her belly and tits, hugging it, kissing and licking it as if it are her teddy bear.

Precum ran like thick syrup from the donkey’s prong, trickling down the woman’s brown stomach. She sat on her heels, her black hair brushing her beautiful round ass cheeks, and she lifts the donkey’s dripping cock in her mouth. As she licks the beast’s throbbing cock knob, he brays. She shoves her tongue into the open piss-hole, fucking it.

Several men steady the donkey as the woman blows him. The beast stirs restlessly, dancing on all four hooves. The woman ran her nimble fingers all over his cock as if she is playing a gigantic flute. She opens her mouth wide, allowing the head of the donkey’s cock to fill it. Then she sucks, reaching her right arm out long, tickling his balls, which she could hardly reach, with her fingertips. The donkey’s flanks quivers. Men are shouting at him, holding him as he tries to rear.

Lily knew this must be a dream. How can anything as perverted as this happen? She realizes that Ryan’s fingers has slid down further, he’d pushed them under her panties and is feeling her naked ass. His finger slides between her ass cheeks, greased by the moisture there. She would have resisted him, but she’s too stunned, too weak to fight.  Besides, Ryan’s hand is all that’s keeping her from falling.

The donkey brays wildly, trying to hump as the Hispanic woman sucks and jacks him off. Her hands become a blur around his cock. Suddenly her cheeks balloons and she’s choking, the donkey dances, humping, braying as he fucks his hot cum down the woman’s throat. Cum pours from the woman’s mouth, running down her brown skin like gray slime. She manages at last to uncork the throbbing cock knob from her mouth and gasps for breath as the huge fucker flexes in her hands, spurting hot precum all over her.

It’s like a fat hose spurting a milky glue. The woman grins, letting the braying beast squirt all over her face, tits, and belly. Gobs of donkey cum hung from her stiff nipples like frosting. When the donkey stops cumming, she milks his cock, sucking on the end of his knob and slurping down the thick cum as it bubbles out. Then she cleans herself, licking off her fingers and smiling at the crowd of grunting men.

Lily feels drugged now, she feels helpless. Her mind won’t function, except in slow motion. The grunts of men around her, most of whom are pounding their dicks raw, fill her head, with the smells and sounds of sex and cum. Ryan is unsnapping her jeans so he can shove his other hand into her panties. His hot fingers, rub and pinches her swollen cunt and she found herself panting, moaning, getting dizzier and hotter by the moment.

The Mexican woman bends, bracing her elbows on her knees, showing the hound her ass. Her long hair hung along her cheeks now, the tips tickling the ground in front of her toes. The handlers release the dog and it lunges at her, shoving its snout between her legs, sniffing her crotch madly, licking her dripping fuck meat. His snout twists between her ass cheeks, its wet, black nostrils rubbing her anus.

His pink tongue laps her ass crack and she wiggles her naked ass, gibbering in Spanish. The dog rises on its hind legs, gripping her waist with his huge paws as he mounts her. His long-red dick knives at her open pussy, finding the cunt hole in seconds. As his long cock sank into the woman’s body, she shivers all over.

Suddenly, Ryan wiggles a thick finger up into Lily’s cunt and she shivers all over too, the hot fuck juices running out of her and into Ryan’s hand. She moans out loud and she heard Ryan grunt.

The mongrel hound sank his claws into the woman’s brown skin. His tongue flaps and pants, while his dog-spit dribbles onto the woman’s lower back. He humps so fast that Lily could hardly see his dick. Only occasionally, when he pulls it nearly out of the woman, did Lily catch glimpses of the shiny, red, wormlike dog dick.

The Hispanic woman wiggles her ass, fucking her cunt on the dog’s pistoning cock, churning her hot little ass against his hairy loins. As she fucks, the cunt cream ran out of her, sliding down the insides of her legs like a thick, clear glue. She tosses her head from side to side, muttering in Spanish. Her toes curl, digging into the dirt.

The crowd seems to pulsate, grunts and groans and swearing pours from the men as they sway dizzily on their feet, beating their precum covers cocks. Their eyes raping the Hispanic woman as they watch her squirm under the humping hound.

“Fuck her, give it to her, screw the shit outta her,” came the voices of the English-speaking men.

And words utters in the Dane lustful tones came in Spanish from the mouths of the Mexicans. The hound responds by growling, clawing, ramming harder and faster. His furry loins hammers, his dick a blur as it pistons.

Ryan’s finger pistons in Lily’s cunt, and Lily saw stars, her hot cunt squirming, the walls of her cunt hole quivering and sucking. It’s been so long since anything except her fingers have been in her cunt she’s almost forgotten how good it feels. She crosses her legs and squeezes them together, reveling in her hot, lusty feelings.

The hound starts howling, his head thrown back, and his snout up. His flanks shivers. He suddenly drops his head forward and rounds his back. He growls, his dangling tongue slobbering spit all over the woman’s brown neck. His loins jerk powerfully and the woman’s body jerks as if electricity is being shot into her cunt.

“Mmm,” she moans, her head snapping back, her eyes rolling. “Unh, uh-huh.”

Her body shudders, her toes clawing at the ground.

Two men step forward and forcibly uncouples the dog from the woman. As his dick slips out of her, he howls, and his cum squirts in sticky strands all over the woman’s brown ass and back. The spasming woman groans as if in pain, and shoves her hand between her legs, clawing at her sizzling cunt as the dog continues to shoot all over her ass.

The dog’s red cock looks like a beet-red, flexing candy cane, and it shivers violently with each spurt. Before he is done shooting, the men allow the dog to remount the woman and shove his spurting dick back inside her. The dog and the woman groan in ecstasy.

Lily’s eyes rolls back. She shook all over. She sways dizzily and falls against Ryan as a spasm explodes in her cunt too. She clung to Ryan, grunting, humping, and her fuck juices gushing into his hand while he finger fucks her to maddening ecstasy. As she writhes helplessly, her hand is taken and wrapped around a hot slippery cock.

Thrills shot up her arm as she massages the squirming slab of fuck meat. After only a few strokes, the cock explodes, spurting hot cock cream into her hand. She rubs the cum on the pulsating dickhead and heard the moans of pains pleasure. When she eventually opens her eyes, starting to recover, she found the Mexican youth leering at her, her handful of his cock and cum.


A cheer went up and Lily jerks her head, looking toward the center of the ring. She straightens herself, pushing away from Ryan and pulling her cum-dripping hand from the Mexican youth’s cock. At first she stars in shock, then she starts to scream. Ryan claps his hand over her mouth, holding her from behind and telling her to relax.  She chews his fingers, her chest heaving.

That’s her son up there,


Josh seems to have lost his mind. He stumbles into the middle of the circle, his jeans around his ankles, his white body a contrasts the Mexicans around him, and his cock jutting from his loins like a club. As the hound is dragged off the woman, Josh took the dog’s place, gripping the Mexican woman at the waist just as the hound has, sliding his adolescent dick into her cunt and fucking her frantically.

The crowd screams as if cheering on a matador. One of the Mexican attendants moves toward Josh.

Lily screams into Ryan’s palm as the riding crop licks across Josh’s white back, leaving a thin red welt.

Josh winces, but continues to hump, fucking his big teenage cock into the Hispanic woman’s cum-greased pussy. His skinny ass dimples with each fuck-thrust. His fingers sank deeper into the woman’s skin and his tongue hung out, dripping.

The Mexican switches him again with the crop several times.

Josh chews his lips, trying to ignore the whip. The muscles of his skinny body ripples as he fucks the woman’s beautiful brown ass. His back, beads with sweat, is crisscrossed with welts and he is trembling all over. As the crop stung his skin again, he hunches over the woman and chews on her shoulder. His ass jerks and he moans loudly, his half-changed voice cracking and going from low-pitched to boyishly high-pitched. The Mexican flung down his riding crop, grabs Josh by his blond hair, and yanks.

Josh’s head snaps back, his back arches, his spasming cock slips out of the Mexican woman’s pussy. The Mexican held him, gasping, as the crowd cheers and Josh’s cum spurts onto the woman’s ass. His dick flexes just as wildly as the dog dick has, spurting just as far. His cum is whiter, however, glistening on the woman’s brown skin.

When Josh finishes spurting, the fat Mexican places his boot squarely on Josh’s ass, and launches him into the crowd, which cheers and laughs, welcoming him back.

Lily whimpers, shaking all over, her mouth clamps shut by Ryan’s fingers. Suddenly Ryan’s hard, naked cock is sliding against her ass. He’s forced her jeans down enough to bare her ass and now he’s humping against it.  He pushes his cock down farther, slipping it between her legs, fucking her between her thighs. As his long dick shaft slid along her greased crotch, she weakens in his arms, dizzy, helpless. He unclasps his hand from her mouth and she moans softly, delirious with desire. She hasn’t felt a hard cock between her legs in months, so many months, not since she’s divorced Dan.

In the ring, four Mexicans have hold of the naked woman, two of them puffing on cigars as they lift her. The four men, two on each side of the donkey, held the woman by the torso and legs as they lift her against the underside of the beast. The woman reaches up, her small brown fingers clutching the donkey’s ribs as she pulls her tits up against his furry abdomen. The men holding her legs forces them wide apart and the woman points her brown toes like a gymnast. A fifth man, squatting between the donkey’s hind legs, lifts the beast’s baseball bat cock, wiping the dripping tip of it against the woman’s cum dripping pussy.

Lily squirms in Ryan’s arms as he slips his hard hot dick back and forth between her thighs. She can’t take her eyes off the scene in the ring. The donkey’s cock is as long and thick as one of the woman’s arms. The woman squirms, rubbing her cunt against the animal’s dickhead. Her brown toes wriggle excitedly. Lily realizes the semen leaking from the woman’s pussy is the combined cum of the mongrel stud and her son.

This is unreal.

The donkey’s flanks quivers. He brays, thrusting. The woman whines loudly as the beasts huge cock head stuffs her pussy. The crowd cheers. The donkey humps, ramming at least eight more inches of his cock into the woman’s teenagers pussy. The woman squirms madly, her eyes wobbling. The men spread her legs even farther as the donkey plunges a third of his gigantic dick into her cunt.

“Yeah,” Ryan growls. “Fuck her, Ream her out, yeah.”

He is humping at Lily’s ass, shimmying his hard dick between her clenches thighs.

Lily can’t stop trembling. She’s sickens by this whole scene, sickens by Ryan too, but she stares straight ahead, watching every thrust of the braying donkey, watching the Hispanic woman writhe as she’s fucked on the donkey’s cock. Ryan is chewing on the back of Lily’s neck and she shivers with goose bumps. As his cock fills her cunt slit, her throbbing pussy drools hot precum all over it.

The Mexican woman claws at the donkey’s flanks, her lithe little body writhing like an eel, her toes clutching repeatedly at the balls of her feet. As the huge donkey dick reams out her cunt, she shrieks, gibbering in Spanish, her eyes rolls back into her skull.

The crowd goes crazy with applause and cheers. The scent of cum rises in the air as more and more men shot their loads. One of the men holding the woman’s legs hauls out his dick and pounds it fiercely. Suddenly, he starts licking the woman’s foot and sucking on her wriggling toes. He shot off in seconds, spurting his white cum into the dirt.

The donkey hee-haws as if he’d lost his mind, incensed with fucking and the mania of the crowd. The beast twists his head, shook it, braying incessantly as he humps, ramming his huge cock up the pussy of the shrieking Hispanic woman. In and out, in and out, slid his gleaming cock.

Ryan crushes Lily in his arms, his fuck thrusts matching those of the donkey, his big cock burning between her thighs. Lily’s cunt sizzles as Ryan’s thick rod rubs against it. Her clit protrudes from between her pussy lips, filed mercilessly against Ryan’s sliding cock. Lily’s pussy tightens, the fuck-itch driving her wild. She rubs her bare ass madly against Ryan’s loins.

“Ooh,” the Mexican woman wails, her body convulsing, shuddering as if electrocuted.

Her toes claw at the balls of her feet, her fingers rake the ribcage of the donkey.  Humping out of control, the donkey rears up, breaking free of the men restraining him. He balances on his hind legs, ramming his cock repeatedly into the woman’s spasming cunt. His flanks shudders violently and he brays madly, his brown eyes rolling. As his cum explodes into the naked woman, she jerks, grunting, gasping. Before he’s pumped half his load into her, his precum is running out of her ravaged cunt.

“I’m cumming,” Ryan moans in Lily’s ear. “Catch it, oh Christ.”

His dick swells between her legs, contracts, pumping cum. He moans, biting at Lily’s neck.

Lily is delirious. She cups her hands in front of Ryan’s cockhead and caught his hot, thick cum as it ejaculates. As the hot fluid gushes into her hands and Ryan’s dick flexes between her thighs, Lily’s cunt went into spasms. She shudders in Ryan’s arms, letting the hot feelings overwhelm her. She’s still spasming when Ryan stops shooting, and she raises her shaking hands to her mouth, sucking and slurping his cum out of them. Cum dribbles down her neck, soiling her blouse, but she didn’t care. Her lust is too great.

It’s only after she recovers her senses that she realizes that she’d swallow not only Ryan’s cum, but that of the filthy Mexican youth as well.

“Let’s go,” Ryan said. “Zip up quickly and let’s get out of here.”

“Josh,” she said. “Where’s Josh?”

“We’ll find him,” Ryan said. “But let’s move it.”

They’re both suddenly sober, neither lust nor tequila clouding their judgment anymore. They found Josh and left in a hurry.



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