The Lonely Divorcee

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The Lonely Divorcee
The Lonely Divorcee
Year: 2016
She’s feeling very lonely since her divorce. However, tonight, her dog is there to help her get some good dicking.
Moe Lester
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As she drank her water, Gus came over and tried to put his head between her legs.  She had never had him do this before, and it’s something she never thought about until now.

She laughed as she pushed him away, “When she thought about getting fucked by a real cock, she meant a man’s dick.  Sorry, Gus.”

She entered the living room with her glass of water, Gus follows close behind, and set the drink onto a small table next to an armchair.  Looking around for the TV remote she spotted it on the other side of the chair and leaned to grab it.  Just as she bent, Gus rears-up onto her back and pushes her forward onto the chair, knocking her to a kneeling position with her ass toward him.  As she feels his grip around her hips, she screams at the realization of what he’s doing.

NO!  BAD DOG!  BAD DOG! Stop, stop.  Get OFF me,” she shouts at the German shepherd now firmly mounted on her back.

Gus never slowed for a moment, as he smelled the pussy juices from her wet cunt.  She feels his big dog cock trying to find her cunt with repeated jabs into her groin.  He’s going to rape her as he has it against her wet pussy lips, starting to hunch from behind.  She can feel how big he is, as his cock rubs against her cuntal lips, trying to invade her pussy.

The rubbery organ sliding along her pussy lips and clit starts to send intense bursts of pleasure through her body, making her abdomen tense and her legs feel wibbly wobbly again.

Omigod, that feels great, she thinks surprisingly.

Joan bends more to feel his cock rub against her horny pussy, she knows it’s searching for her cunt, so she reaches between her legs and takes it into her hand.  Then, out of curiosity and horniness, she guides the thick, slimy cock into her cunt as she spreads her thighs for him. His hot cock plunges into her, filling her with so much cock it made her grunt and gasp.

Gus has such a big cock, and he’s slamming it into her cunt, ramming it so deep in her cock hungry pussy.  He held her tight to him as he sank deeper with each powerful thrust of his hips.  Joan moans loudly as Gus fucks her with a force and vigor she hadn’t known in years.  Spreading her cunt wide with his huge cock, slamming against her cervix and making her body lunge forward with every impact.

“Oh, fuck, yeah, fuck me, boy.  Fuck me hard!”

Gus didn’t really need any encouragement, the velvety folds of her pussy flesh massaging his dick more than enough to drive his sexual heat.   He gripped her tighter with his front legs and dug his paws into the armchair for more traction as he fucked her with all his strength.  Joan’s body quivered and shook as powerful miniorgasms rippled through her repeatedly making her white skin glow a reddish hue.

Sensing he’s now at his goal, the dog did what nature demanded.  He thrust his hips powerfully, surging on his strong hind legs, and driving his gleaming scarlet cock deep into the waiting depths before him.  Never stopping until his hairy balls slapped hard against Joan’s aching clitoris.  When he feels her soft, velvety-folds massaging the length of his cock, Gus starts driving rapidly into her shuddering pussy.

Joan’s eyes bulge as the first thundering thrust tore all the way into her pussy.  She grunted, not knowing whether it hurts or feels good, yet knowing it’ll take some getting used to.  Gus, though, gave her no choice. Wham, wham, wham, he pounded into her unprepared body, sinking deeper each time into her lust-moistened pussy.

Aargh,” Joan moaned in agony, her last inner defenses crumbling before the cruel, relentless attack.

She tries to move to escape the agony threatening to tear her open, yet Gus dances after her, his forelegs holding tight to her waist.  An angry growl comes from his throat and she knew he wasn’t going to let her go.

Joan had known many cocks during her life, however, never had she felt every inch of the fleshy pole as it stretched her to the bursting point.  Digging to depths no man had ever reached inside her before.  Her only choice now is to stick with it, and to suffer under this agonizing impalement until the dog empties his balls inside her.

Searching for any way to ease the terrible pain, the desperate woman opened her thighs wider, hoping to give Gus a straighter, easier path into her pussy.  Simultaneously, she tries to relax her Kegels so she might open more to his cruel instinctive thrusts, and it works. Within seconds the pain eases as Joan stops trying to fight the irresistible probe, sliding mercilessly into her wide-stretched cunt.

The woman sighed deeply, her features suddenly softening.  For long moments she crouches before the furiously humping canine, content the pain has lessened, however, as she relaxed the fucking begins to feel good.  Slowly, Joan’s eyes glaze in a blind stare of passionate acceptance as she crouches in helpless submission before her canine lover.  Without warning, as if they were acting alone, her hips begin a mindless automatic motion back against the lewdly invading dog-cock.  First in little circles, then in hard jarring thrusts, straight back into Gus straining loins, while she mewled and moaned in lascivious pleasure.

Oh God, Joan thought. I’ve really been missing out all these years.

Compared to some useless and selfish men she has fucked in her life, Gus is a genuine machine, pounding into her with the vigor of a lust-driven teen.  She tries to look beneath her kneeling body to watch the scarlet penis pound into her twitching cunt, yet all she can see is Gus’s hairy balls swinging lewdly between her legs.  Each sharp slap of his balls against her clit giving her additional jolts of pleasure.  Reaching between her thighs, Joan circles her fingers around Gus’s hot slippery penis as it slides between her sensitively throbbing cuntal lips.  Feeling it slide into her shuddering pussy effortlessly.

Ah, ah, ah, ah,” she grunts each time his powerful hips thud against her flexing ass, his huge cock penetrating her body until it feels as if it’s going to pierce her.

Bracing herself as best she could, Joan opens her thighs wider, stretching her whole pubic area until she thinks she’ll split open.  Spreading herself to the degree she’s never done, or even thought possible so she’ll gain the full benefit of the Gus’s enormous penis.  Reveling in the feelings of his heated hardness smashing past her tender pussy lips on its relentless journey into her most secret depths.

Joan is turning into a raving sex-maniac, moaning and cursing, and pleading with the slaving canine to fuck her.  Her orgasm is almost upon her, but still she fought it off wanting to make every moment last, and build to a peak so high it would take her forever to descend back to reality.

“Fuck me, fuck me, Gus!  Cum in me, fill me with your cum.”


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